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Former CDC Director: Coronavirus Cases Explode Due to New Spread, Not More Tests


Doctor Tom PeaceFormer director of Center for Disease Control and PreventionSaid the recent surge Coronavirus As President Donald Trump argued, incidents in parts of the country were the result of viral spread, not an increase in testing.

“As a doctor, scientist, and epidemiologist, I can tell you with 100% confidence that it is a real increase in most states that see an increase.” Frieden “Fox News Sunday.”

He added further. That is the spread of the virus. …The numbers shown are just the tip of the iceberg. “

Mr Trump said last week that he urged the authorities to delay inspections to avoid a number of confirmed infections. (White House officials claimed he was joking, but the president Told reporters After a few days, he is not a “kid.” )

“To be honest, the more tests you do, the more cases you will find.” Told CBN News on Monday. “And they report that our case is going through a roof.”

According to the report, there are more than 125,000 coronavirus-related deaths in the US and more than 2.5 million confirmed viruses nationwide on Sunday. Data compiled by Johns Hopkins University..

On Friday, the US broke the country’s largest daily total record, reporting more than 45,000 new cases. Hospitalization has increased dramatically in several states, including Arizona, Florida, Texas, and South Carolina.

Frieden, who headed the CDC from June 2009 to January 2017, suggested on Sunday that these states had reopened early in the pandemic.

“If you open when the case is still increasing, as in many states, it’s like leaning on a left hook. You’ll be banged,” Frieden said.

He estimated that an additional 15,000 people will die in COVID-19 next month in the United States.

Earlier this week, Vice President Mike Pence, who Trump appointed to head the White House’s anti-corona virus headquarters, said earlier this week that the death toll in the US could exceed 240,000.

Meanwhile, Secretary of Health and Welfare Alex Hazard warned Sunday that the new wave of infections was a “very serious situation.”

“If you have a COVID, I would highly recommend it to listeners. Call the American Red Cross at the Blood Bank. Donate plasma to increase your supply,” said Hazard in an interview with CNN’s “General Textbook”. Is talking. “That means we have the tools to do this. We just did this in the last few weeks in North Carolina and the window is closed. We have to act and people as individuals are responsible. Have to act.”

Azar added that the majority of new infections in southern states are asymptomatic and occur in people under the age of 35 who may be less seriously at risk.

But Sunday’s Frieden cautioned against giving too much relief to the fact that in some states predominantly young people are positive.

“What begins with young people doesn’t stop with young people,” he said. “Young people have parents and uncles….you see expansion. That’s why three Ws are so important. Wear a mask, wash your hands, or use a disinfectant to increase the distance. Please watch.”

In June last year, Frieden was found guilty of unregulated behavior in the sexual harassment case. A 55-year-old woman claimed to have grabbed her ass in her apartment in 2017 without her consent. As part of his plea, forced contact, sexual abuse and harassment charges against him were dropped.

See Frieden’s full interview below in Fox News Sunday.

Hough Post Guide to Coronavirus


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