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Exposure to natural disasters is a sacrifice of mental health over time

Exposure to natural disasters is a sacrifice of mental health over time


Natural disasters accumulate post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and dysfunction in individuals. This was influenced by an analysis based on two hurricane surveys, directly from concerns about friends and family, indirectly, or even through media coverage.

The strongest association with PTSS after Hurricane Irma in 2017 was due to direct loss or injury (non-standardized b factor 0.35, P<0.001), Dr. Dana Rose Garfin of the Sue & Bill Gross Nursing School at the University of California, Irvine, and her co-author. JAMA network open..

However, previous hurricane-related losses or injuries, previous mental health illnesses, no evacuation from evacuation areas, and even exposure to hurricane-related media are all associated with a linear increase in PTSS after hurricane irma. It was (b0.03-0.18).

“It may seem small, but it’s one of more than 1,600 people on average,” Garfin said, so some individuals had a bigger impact.

Hurricane Irma-related PTSS is positive with post-Hurricane Michael PTSS and dysfunction one year later, regardless of demography, socioeconomics, life events, physical loss due to hurricanes, and pre-hurricane mental health. It was related.

In short, individuals who have repeatedly experienced direct or indirect exposure to hurricanes have increased mental health symptoms, suggesting that they are more susceptible to psychological symptoms in each disaster. The group concluded.

“Climate change exacerbates weather-related disasters, many of which are exposed to more serious and frequent occurrences, which could lead to the potential for a mental health crisis. I’m not used to it. They have an additive effect, “Gurfin said. Today’s MedPage.. “The more people who experience these events, the worse their mental health.”

Participants in the study experienced global distress (a combination of depression, anxiety, and somatization), and ongoing fear and anxiety. Garfin points out that these symptoms increase over time and correlate with dysfunction, suggesting that these experiences have affected everyday social life.

and Commentary Accompanying the paper, Dr. Masaki Nakabayashi said that these findings are widely applied to many other types of disasters, including cyclones in Southeast Asia, typhoons in East Asia, and global health pandemics such as COVID-19. I suggested that I could do it. He said these findings could provide a basis for a more comprehensive analysis of the impact of these disasters on the population, which in turn could lead to “more practical policy implications for mitigating damage.” Said that there is.

Nakabayashi added that the study could be useful for studies on “whether relapses of COVID-19 and increased infections may be associated with adverse mental health effects as well.” rice field.

Before Hurricane Irma landed in South Florida on September 8-11, 2017, Garfin’s group surveyed 2,873 residents of Florida. They received 1,637 responses (57.0%) from the first wave of surveys. They sent a follow-up survey to these respondents a month later, showing a retention rate of Wave 1 to 90%. Another follow-up was sent between October 22nd and November. The aftermath of Hurricane Michael hit the Florida Panhandle in June 2018. They received 1,113 responses to the survey (wave 2 to 75.3% retention, wave 1 to 66.7% retention).

The survey took 15-20 minutes to complete the response in five steps, depending on the information in question.

Of the first 1,637 respondents to Wave 1, the average age was 51, with 55% being female. In total, 83.6% of participants reported that they had not previously been diagnosed with mental health, 11.4% reported that they had been diagnosed with depression or anxiety, and 5% reported both. ..

Respondents reported an average of 7.9 hours of exposure to Hurricane Irma-related media. This includes 3.8 hours of TV, radio and printed news. 2.2 hours of online news. And 1.9 hours of social media.

The investigation was by one Garfin, and his colleagues had long waited for an opportunity to manage. So when Hurricane Irma was preparing to land in South Florida, they quickly secured grants and ethical approvals to carry out the first wave of investigation in just a few days.

In the light of a quick turnaround, Garfin said the team was amazed at the response rate from the survey participants. She said that given the situation of the participants, a much lower response rate could have been expected.

“In fact, I think it speaks to the fact that people are interested in doing research and dealing with things that are important to them,” Garfin said. “That’s why I think we were able to maintain a strong follow-up as this is important to people. They wanted to share their experience with us.”

  • author['full_name']

    Michael DePeau-Wilson MedPage Today’s corporate and research team reporter. He covers psychiatry, long covids, and infectious diseases, among other related US clinical news. follow


This research was partially funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Garfin reported receiving grants from the National Science Foundation and the National Institute for Minority Health and Health Disparities. The co-authors reported a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Nakabayashi did not report the disclosure.




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