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Men’s gut health can benefit from beer

Men’s gut health can benefit from beer


In a recent article published in Journal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryScientists have analyzed the effects of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer intake on the gut flora.

Study: Effect of beer and non-alcoholic beer consumption on intestinal flora: randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Image Credit: MsMaria / Shutterstockstudy: Effect of beer and non-alcoholic beer consumption on gut flora: randomized, double-blind, control trial. Image Credit: MsMaria / Shutterstock


Beer, a fermented extract of malt barley, is the most widely consumed alcoholic beverage in the world. Epidemiological studies have shown that drinking small to moderate amounts of beer reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. These protective effects of beer are comparable to those shown by moderate wine consumption.

Nevertheless, the association between alcohol intake and cancer negates the benefits of alcoholic beverages for diabetes and ischemic heart disease. Therefore, despite many preclinical and molecular studies demonstrating the health benefits of fermented alcoholic beverages, it is important to investigate and assess the effects of dealcohol and alcoholic beer.

In addition, like other phenolic substances, beer polyphenols can enter the intestines where they regulate bacterial growth. Raw fermented microorganisms may also be present in some beers.

The Flanders Gut Bacterial flora project has shown that beer consumption has a significant impact on the overall microbiota composition. Given the role of gut flora in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes, regulation of gut flora may be another pathway that regulates the health effects of beer.

About research

The current study was motivated by the lack of randomized clinical studies investigating the effects of non-alcoholic and moderate alcoholic beer intake on intermediate measurements of cardiovascular risk and intestinal flora. The current pilot study aims to evaluate how beer affected the composition of the gut microbiota and cardiac metabolism markers in healthy men, with or without alcohol.

In the current double-blind, randomized, two-arm parallel study, researchers recruited 22 healthy men to 330 mL, or one non-alcoholic beverage (0.0% v / v, beer or alcohol). Consumed beverage, ie 5.2% v). / v, beer daily during the 4-week follow-up period. Blood and fecal samples were procured before and after the intervention period. In addition, 16S ribosomal ribosomal (16S rRNA) gene sequencing was used to examine the gut microbiota.

Healthy subjects from the Lisbon Metropolitan Area were recruited via social media advertising. Applicants were asked to visit the NOVA School of Medicine for a brief physical examination and medical background to assess their eligibility to participate in the study.

Selection criteria include healthy men, moderate alcoholism, men aged 18-65 years, no chronic illness with substantial gastrointestinal effects, and the ability and willingness to give written informed consent. Was. Individuals with cardiovascular disease, diabetes or other related metabolic disorders, infections, antibiotic use for the last 4 weeks, or laxative use for the last 2 weeks, and alcohol, drugs, or other All individuals with records of substance misuse were excluded. ..


The authors found that consuming non-alcoholic or alcoholic beer daily for 4 weeks did not increase body fat mass or weight. They also found that it did not dramatically change serum cardiac metabolism indicators. However, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beers seemed to enhance fecal alkaline phosphatase (ALP) function, a measure of intestinal barrier activity. In addition, they improved the diversity of the gut microbiota associated with beneficial health benefits.

Phenolic compounds in beer, such as phenolic acids and flavonoids, can contribute to the increased bacterial heterogeneity found in the intestinal flora of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beer drinkers. These findings were consistent with other recent studies suggesting that drinking non-alcoholic beer for 30 days increases the α-diversity of gut microbiota.

The team noted that certain substances such as yeast, polyphenols, and yeast components can be removed during beer production, especially during beer filtration. As a result, beers with high yeast and polyphenol content may have a stronger effect on the gut flora than the lager beer used in this study.

The results also showed that serum ALP levels decreased 4 weeks after daily beer intake, regardless of the alcohol concentration of the beer. Observation of serum ALP activity may not be of clinical value, as serum ALP activity was frequently used to assess bone, liver, or heart damage when ALP function was enhanced.


Overall, the findings show that drinking alcoholic or non-alcoholic beer increases gut microbiota diversity without affecting body fat mass, body weight, or serum cardiac metabolism indicators, and these beverages are in the microbiota. We have revealed that it will be a promising way to increase diversity. Indeed, current results suggest that beer’s effect on the regulation of gut microbiota is alcohol-independent and may be promoted by the polyphenols contained in beer.

Various studies have shown that drinking reduces bacterial diversity. On the other hand, the use of alcoholic beer has increased the diversity of gut bacteria in current studies. As a result, beer polyphenols appear to outweigh the adverse effects of alcohol on the gut microbiota.

In addition, scientists said additional research is needed to determine the factors responsible for the decline in serum ALP activity and whether it is associated with improved bone, heart, or liver function. .. In addition, changes in the gut microbiota and the effects of beer on ALP function represent health benefits that need to be studied in a cohort with metabolic disorders.

Journal reference:

  • Cláudia Marques, Liliana Dinis, Inês Barreiros Mota, Juliana Morais, Shámila Ismael, José B. Pereira-Leal, Joana Cardoso, Pedro Ribeiro, Helena Beato, Mafalda Resende, Christophe Espírito Santo, Ana Paula Cortez, André Rosário Teixeira, Ana Faria, and Conceição Calhau; Double-blind, controlled trial. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article ASAP, DOI: 10.1021 / acs.jafc.2c00587,




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