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Vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of dementia

Vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of dementia


Elderly woman sits on the veranda and soaks in the sunShare on Pinterest
Sunlight is one way to raise vitamin D levels. Westend 61 / Getty Images
  • Researchers in Australia say vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of developing dementia.
  • They say that increasing people’s low vitamin D levels may be a preventative measure for dementia.
  • Experts say more research is needed, but they say vitamin D has many health benefits and few potential side effects.

Vitamin D deficiency may be associated with an increased risk of dementia.

According to researchers at the University of South Australia that they have found Low levels of vitamin D are associated with an increased risk of both dementia and stroke.

“Vitamin D is an increasingly recognized hormonal precursor with a wide range of effects, including brain health, but until now it has been very difficult to find out what would happen if vitamin D deficiency could be prevented. did.” Elina HipponenUniversity professor, senior researcher, and director of UniSA’s Australian Precision Health Center, press release.

“Our study is the first study to examine the effects of very low levels of vitamin D on the risk of dementia and stroke using powerful genetic analysis among large populations,” she adds. I did.

Researchers used data from more than 294,000 participants UK Biobank..

They analyzed how different levels of vitamin D affect the risk of dementia.

They say their findings suggest that there may be a link between low vitamin D and an increased risk of dementia.

The strongest association was found in people with vitamin D levels below 25 nanomoles (nmol / L) per liter. In fact, the risk of dementia is higher for people with vitamin D levels of 25 nmol / L. Normal vitamin D levels (50 nomol / L).

In some of the populations studied, researchers found that up to 17 percent of cases of dementia could have been prevented if vitamin D levels were increased to normal levels (50 nmol / L). did.

Dr. Scott Kaiser He is a geriatrician and geriatric cognitive health director at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute at the Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California.

He states that although this study was relevant, more studies are needed to determine the causal link between low vitamin D levels and whether they actually increase the risk of dementia.

“This is a very interesting study and adds to the very important research area between vitamin D and the risk of dementia. But after all, it is a kind of association and kind for further research that is still needed. It’s feed, “Kaiser told Healthline.

However, if other studies confirm a link between vitamin D deficiency and dementia, Kaiser states that it may help reduce the risk of dementia.

“We are pleased to suggest that addressing vitamin D deficiency may be an important strategy in terms of population-level prevention,” he said. “It makes sense to identify those at high risk, those who are deficient in vitamin D, and focus on getting the right vitamin D levels through more sunlight, dietary sources, or their supplements. If so, it is worth investigating further. High-risk groups. “

dementia Is a general term for various symptoms such as memory loss and cognitive impairment that affect daily life.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 5.8 million People in the United States living with either Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia.

Dr. Marilyn Tan He is a clinical associate professor of medicine in the Department of Endocrinology, Gerontology and Metabolism at Stanford University, California.

She needs more research to determine if vitamin D has beneficial effects, but vitamin D supplementation is generally considered safe and may have other health benefits. Say no.

“The important thing in this study is to remind people to think about regular health care, regular health checks, and laboratory tests,” Tan told Healthline. “And if your vitamin D levels are low, there are certainly benefits to supplementing to raise your levels to normal levels, especially for your bone health, and to reduce the risk of dementia. May there be additional benefits? Potentially. But I think it’s hard to say because there are no trials with vitamin D supplementation interventions to show an improvement in the risk of dementia. “

“These activities are unlikely to do any harm, and I think that’s great vitamin D, and that’s why there’s so much interest. Interventions change results. You may or may not be a game changer in terms of points, but it’s unlikely to do any harm, “she added.




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