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Researchers study the spread of COVID-19 during a short conversation

Researchers study the spread of COVID-19 during a short conversation


If one person acts as a passive listener and does not have a two-way conversation, the risk of infection is high.

If one person acts as a passive listener and does not have a two-way conversation, the risk of infection is high.

Sneezing and coughing can infect nearby people with droplets carrying viruses such as SARS-CoV-2. Does talking to an infected person also increase the risk of infection? How do speech droplets or “aerosols” move in space between interacting people?

As the number of cases of COVID-19 increased and the importance of wearing a mask was emphasized, the research team conducted computer simulations to analyze the movement of voice aerosols. The team includes researchers from the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc.) And collaborators from the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (NORDITA) in Stockholm and the International Center for Theoretical Science (ICTS) in Bangalore. Was there.

According to IISc. In the release, the team visualizes a scenario where two unmasked people stand 2, 4, or 6 feet apart and talk to each other for about a minute, then the speed and extent of mutual diffusion of audio aerosols. Was estimated.In the study, it was published in the journal flow, Their simulations showed that if one person acted as a passive listener and did not engage in two-way conversation, the risk of infection was higher. Factors such as the height difference of the person speaking and the amount of aerosol released from the mouth also appear to play an important role in viral infection.

“Speaking is a complex activity, and when people speak, they aren’t really aware of whether this can constitute a means of viral infection,” said an assistant professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and one of the corresponding authors. Quoted as Sourabh Diwan says. He added that in the early days of the pandemic, the virus was believed to spread symptomatically, primarily through coughing and sneezing, but soon it became clear that asymptomatic infections also led to the spread of COVID-19. However, few studies have considered vocal aerosol transport as a possible mode of asymptomatic transmission, he said.

To analyze the flow of audio, the team modified the originally developed computer code to study the movement and behavior of cumulus clouds normally seen on sunny days, the release explained. Analysis of voice flow incorporated the possibility of virus invasion through the eyes and mouth when determining the risk of infection. This is because most studies to date have considered only the nose as a point of entry.

“In the simulation, if the speakers are the same height or significantly different in height (one tall and the other short), the risk of infection is moderate in height difference. It turned out to be much lower than in the case of. The fluctuations are as follows. Bellcurve “and described the release.

Based on their results, the team suggests that simply rotating their heads about 9 degrees to each other while maintaining eye contact can significantly reduce the risk to the speaker. In the future, the team will focus on simulating the difference in loudspeaker voice and the presence of ventilation sources in the vicinity to see how it can affect viral infections. We will add whatever precautions we can take while we are coming. Restoring daily interactions with other people will greatly help minimize the spread of the infection.




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