US releases COVID vaccine to young children, shots start next week

New York – The United States opened COVID-19 on Saturday vaccination For toddlers, toddlers and preschoolers.
Shots will be available next week, expanding the national vaccination campaign to 6-month-old children.
An adviser to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the vaccine to the youngest children, and final approval came hours after the institution’s director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky.
“We know that millions of parents and guardians are eager to vaccinate young children, and with today’s decision, they can.” Wallensky said in a statement.
The Food and Drug Administration approves vaccines, but it is the CDC that decides who should be vaccinated.
According to the CDC’s advisory board, this shot protects infants from hospitalization, death, and long-term complications that may not yet be clearly understood.
The government is already preparing for the expansion of the vaccine and has been ordered to administer millions of doses for distribution to doctors, hospitals and communities. health Clinics nationwide.
Approximately 18 million children will be targeted, but it is not yet known how many will eventually be vaccinated. Since vaccination began last November, less than one-third of children aged 5 to 11 have done so.
There are some things you need to know.
What kind is available?
The two brands, Pfizer and Moderna, received a green light from the FDA on Friday and from the CDC on Saturday. Vaccines use the same technique but are offered in different dose sizes and shot counts for the youngest children.
Pfizer’s vaccine is intended for children aged 6 months to 4 years. The dose is one tenth that of an adult and requires three doses. The first two are given at 3-week intervals and the last two are given at least 2 months later.
Moderna’s are two shots of a quarter of an adult dose given to children from 6 months to 5 years at intervals of about 4 weeks. The FDA has also approved a third dose at least one month after the second injection for children with immune status who are more vulnerable to serious illness.
How do they work?
In the study, vaccinated adolescents developed antibodies that fight viruses at levels as strong as young adults. This suggests that child-sized doses protect against coronavirus infection.
However, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly how well they work, especially for Pfizer vaccines.
Two doses of Modena appeared to be only about 40% effective in preventing mild infections when the Omicron mutant was causing most COVID-19 illnesses. Pfizer provided research information suggesting that the company saw 80% on three shots. However, Pfizer’s data is so limited and based on so few cases that experts and federal officials say they do not feel that there are still reliable estimates.
Do I need to vaccinate my little ones?
Yes, according to the CDC. COVID-19 is the most dangerous for the elderly, but young people, including children, can also be very ill.
Hospitalization surged during the Omicron wave. Since the beginning of the pandemic, about 480 children under the age of five have been killed by more than one million COVID-19s nationwide, according to federal data.
Dr. Matthew Daily, a researcher at Kaiser Permanente Colorado on the CDC Advisory Board, said:
In a statement on Saturday, President Joe Biden urged his parents to get them for their young children as soon as possible.
Which vaccine should my child receive?
Either, Dr. Peter Markes, FDA’s head of vaccines, said.
“Whatever vaccine your healthcare provider, pediatrician has, that’s what I give my child,” Marks said on Friday.
The doses have not been tested against each other, so experts say there is no way to determine if either is better.
One consideration: It takes about 3 months to complete the Pfizer 3-shot series, but only 1 month for the Moderna 2-shot. Therefore, families who want immediate protection for their children may want Moderna.
Who is giving the shot?
Pediatricians, other primary care physicians and children’s hospitals plan to provide vaccines. Limited drugstores offer them to at least some of the groups under the age of five.
US officials expect most shots to be made in the pediatrician’s office. Dr. Ashish Jha, COVID-19 coordinator at the White House, said many parents may find it more comfortable to vaccinate regular doctors for their children. He predicted that the pace of vaccination would be much slower than in the elderly.
“Vaccinations will increase over weeks and even months,” Jha said.
Can my child get another vaccine at the same time?
It is common for small children to get multiple vaccines while seeing a doctor.
A study of Moderna and Pfizer shots in infants did not provide data on potential side effects if they did occur because no other vaccinations were given at the same time.
However, when COVID-19 shots and other vaccinations were given together, problems with older children and adults were not identified, and the CDC advises that it is safe for younger children as well. increase.
What if my child has recently been infected with COVID-19?
It is estimated that about three-quarters of children of all ages are infected at some point. For the elderly, the CDC recommends vaccination anyway to reduce the chance of reinfection.
Experts focus on reinfection among previously infected people and state that the highest levels of protection are provided in both vaccinated and previously infected people.
According to the CDC, vaccination may be considered for about three months after infection.
Washington Associated Press author Zeke Miller contributed to this report.
The Associated Press’s Department of Health Sciences is supported by the Science Education Department of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. AP is solely responsible for all content.
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