Increasing skin cancer in Canada, according to research
Canadians living in southern and coastal areas of Canada are at increased risk of developing deadly forms of skin cancer, increasing the incidence of this type of cancer in Canada, according to a new study led by McGill University. I also found out that.
Population-based research, Published on Monday The peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Medicine analyzed data from 2011 to 2017 for patients with cutaneous melanoma in all states and territories except Quebec. Researchers also looked at trends in mortality over the seven years and compared them with previous data from 1992 to 2010.
The data showed that of the 39,610 patients diagnosed with this type of melanoma, 5,890 died. Women account for almost 46% of cases and over 37% of deaths. In particular, researchers have found that mortality has also declined since 2013.
The analysis found that Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia had the highest incidence of skin melanoma in the country, even when considering other factors such as age. Prices in Prairie and the northern part of the country were lower than Canada’s average.
“The most important thing is that melanoma has different effects on different areas,” Dr. Ivan Ritvinov, an assistant professor at McGill University School of Medicine, told CTV on the phone Monday.
“The entire corridor from Windsor to Montreal – trekking to Ottawa, southwestern Ontario, especially in the area around Mascoca Lake, has high levels of melanoma. Also, all of Nova Scotia and PEI, and New Brunswick. The same is true for certain coastal areas of the state, which is very impressive compared to northern Ontario, New Brunswick, or other parts of Canada. “
The coastal communities around southeastern British Columbia are also skyrocketing.
Where Do Skin Cancers Appear?
According to Litobinov, melanoma is more common than all other cancers combined, with 80,000 skin cancer diagnoses annually in Canada, of which 8,000 are melanomas.
“It’s really going up. The incidence of melanoma is really going on … in other words, every hour and six minutes, someone is diagnosed with melanoma,” he said.
He and his colleagues discovered that in the early 2000s there were about 12 cases per 100,000 cases per year. Currently, the national average is 20.75 per 100,000 people.
In addition to these numbers, the study also found that melanoma has different effects on men and women, most often on the trunk and head of men. In women, the main place where melanoma develops is the legs, followed by the arms.
Although all subtypes of melanoma are common to men, researchers have pointed out that acral lentiginous melanoma is more common in women and primarily affects the hands and feet. Ritobinov theorized that this could be the result of nail salon practice and the use of treatment of acrylic nails with UV light.
Canada’s low mortality rate
Cutaneous melanoma causes more deaths than any other skin cancer, and the study states that it accounts for 1.9% of all cancer deaths in men and 1.2% of all cancer deaths in women. .. In 2018, an estimated 290,000 new skin melanomas will occur worldwide, with the highest number of cases per person in Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany.
Between 2008 and 2018, experts confirmed that this type of melanoma increased by 44% worldwide and mortality increased by 32%.
In Canada, there were more diagnoses, but the study found that mortality has actually declined since 2013.
“It’s a great success story,” said Litvinow. As in other wealthy countries, he said Canada is a leader as effective treatments such as immunotherapy and other targeted therapies for melanoma are becoming more and more available.
“Overall mortality may be higher due to increased incidence, but per capita mortality due to treatments that provide up to 50% survival for patients with advanced melanoma. The rate is starting to decline. Previously, progressive melanoma was sentenced to death, but now it can be turned into a chronic disease such as diabetes or cardiac dysfunction. “
The lack of information from Quebec was an important limitation of this study, the authors of the paper said. In addition, other potential limitations included some missing data and the risk of patient misclassification. The lack of specific information also limited the ability of researchers to investigate other factors that could play a similar role, such as socio-economic and ethnic considerations.
“Because Canada’s healthcare system is single-tier, funded and operated by the state government, data is consistently collected and cancer registries in each state and territory are from multiple sources,” the study said. I am.
Increased behavioral driving
Previous studies have suggested that ozone depletion as a result of climate change may be a factor in the increased diagnosis of melanoma. Researchers say the relationship has been established for decades, but many other factors “interact with the environment to determine the ultimate risk of this deadly disease.” rice field. Litobinov gives people more time in the sun and more time to develop cancer, a longer life expectancy, but an increase in skin cancer, a more affordable trip to the destination of the sun It suggests that it is another factor that contributes.
“Overall, we know that the sun is addictive … We know that when people are exposed to the sun, endorphins are naturally released and sunbathing people are really addicted to this. “I will.” Play with our love for the sun.
“In today’s world, it actually leads to an increase in the number of skin cancers, melanomas, photoaging and skin wrinkles. We actually get people out and enjoy the outdoors to the fullest. I want to. Don’t get sunburned. ”
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