A new strain of super gonorrhea is detected, causing sexually transmitted diseases in Austrian men
This man’s trip turned out to be super in a way like super gonorrhea. Case report just published in the journal Euro surveillance Explained what happened to an Austrian man during and after his trip to Cambodia.And the story’s punch to the glow line is that this guy in his 50s ended up catching it. New arrival Widespread drug resistance (XDR) strains Neisseria gonorrhea..
This is one of the situations where it is not good to try something new. This new strain has high levels of resistance to azithromycin and resistance to ceftriaxone, cefixim, cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin, and tetracyclines.It’s the second such XDR strain Gonorrhea This was found by the Austrian Health and Food Safety Agency (Sonja Pleininger, Alexander Indra, Florian Heger, Stefanie Schindler), University of Orebro (Daniel Golparian, Susanne Jacobsson, Magnus Unemo), author of the LKH case report. Hochsteiermark. This is not great to be around, as azithromycin and ceftriaxone are the standard treatments for gonorrhea.
In March 2018, I Forbes What is called the first reported case Gonorrhea It has both high levels of resistance to azithromycin and resistance to ceftriaxone. At the time, this 2018 incident involving a British man was called “the worst gonorrhea incident in the world.” Others have used the nickname Super Gonorrhea to describe this bacterium. This is not because it is faster than speed-violating bullets, but because such drug resistance makes it particularly difficult to kill bacteria.
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That man in Britain no longer has to bear the “worst in the world” title alone. Since then, that XDR Gonorrhea Tensions continue to spread to different parts of the world, as it is like what happens if you don’t do enough to deal with the problem.And now, based on this new Eurosure village According to case reports, the world clearly has a new second strain of XDR in its hands and other naughty parts of the body.
Speaking of mischief, you can’t get super gonorrhea just by going to a local hardware store. Remember that gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STI). Therefore, catching super gonorrhea is a hint that you have sex someday, no matter what excuses you make to your spouse or regular partner.The man described in Eurosure village The case report not only had sex during a trip to Cambodia, but also had sex with a female sex worker without wearing a condom. Yes, condomless sex with strangers who have probably had sex with many other partners is certainly not considered safe sex. Doing that is like spinning an unfortunate STI wheel.
Indeed, about five days after burning potatoes, cleaning chimneys, lighting hot dogs, and euphemisms that you want to use for sex, Austrian men feel a burning sensation in urination and drainage from the penis. I remembered. .. Obviously, these symptoms cannot be easily removed or resolved with a large amount of ice cream and Netflix binge. As a result, the man was finally admitted to the Austrian urology department in April 2022. Therefore, doctors performed various tests, including urethral swabs, and Gonorrhea.. The doctor then prescribed the man a typical antibiotic treatment for gonorrhea (1 gram of ceftriaxone plus 1.5 mg of azithromycin in the muscle).
Alas, the concept soon disappeared from gonorrhea. During a follow-up clinic visit about two weeks later, the man showed that his symptoms had disappeared. However, keep in mind that just because he has no symptoms does not mean he is free of infection. A Gonorrhea Infectious diseases are not like mullets. It’s not always clear if someone has it. Therefore, the doctor repeated urethral swabs. A PCR test of what the swab dug revealed that something wasn’t very good.The Gonorrhea Still hanging out, as politicians voted absent, he claims he’s still in that position, suggesting that the first round of antibiotics couldn’t get rid of the infection. It seemed to be.
Test this Gonorrhea The strain showed high levels of resistance to azithromycin and resistance to ceftriaxone, cefixim, cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin, and tetracycline, resulting in much less treatment options. Putting a man in 1 gram of amoxicillin-clavulanic acid twice daily for 7 days seems to have resolved the infection. However, molecular analysis revealed that the man had a new strain of N. gonorrhoeae. According to case reports, this strain, named AT159, “belongs to the same substrain as WHOQ”, but with a different DNA sequence of 313. In other words, this test showed that the doctor was dealing with a new strain.And the kids are how this new strain met Euro surveillance Journal as a case report.
Of course, case reports are traditionally reserved for very rare situations. And even though super gonorrhea is widespread, when I listen to the situation in the corridor, it seems that I usually hear people say, “Yes, I have super gonorrhea again.” However, this situation may change sooner in the future.How quickly this US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) video Gonorrhea Developed resistance to all new classes of antibiotics:
Currently, there are no gonococcal vaccines, few new antibiotics are being developed, too much antibiotic abuse, and the urgency to address the growing problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria among politicians, policy makers and businesses. Is generally lacking. All of these conditions are excellent for both super gonorrhea strains to spread further and potentially more super gonorrhea strains to emerge, ultimately treating most “common” gonorrhea cases. It can be very difficult to do. And all of this could leave a real big problem for the world in the not too distant future.
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