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Diabetes and heart disease double the risk of dementia

Diabetes and heart disease double the risk of dementia
Diabetes and heart disease double the risk of dementia


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Experts say it is important to have healthy exercise and diet to avoid cardiometabolic disorders.Kentaro Kobayashi / Getty Images
  • Cardiovascular disease includes heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
  • Researchers say that having multiple of these conditions at the same time can double the risk of developing dementia.
  • According to experts, this new study re-emphasizes the need for older people to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

A New research It sheds light on the potential to prevent dementia.

Swedish researchers say that having multiple cardiometabolic disorders at the same time doubles the risk of developing dementia.

Cardiovascular diseases include heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

The study began with 2,577 people who showed no signs of dementia. Participants are over 60 years old, live in central Stockholm, Swedish National Study on Aging and Care..

Researchers have followed study participants for 12 years on both medical and cognitive tests.

Scientists say they have found that having multiple cardiac metabolic diagnoses accelerates the rate of cognitive decline and doubles the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia.

Multiple cardiometabolic disorders have accelerated the onset of cognitive impairment and dementia by about two years compared to people without cardiometabolic disorders. The risk is even greater as the number of cardiometabolic disorders increases.

Researchers said that study participants with only one cardiometabolic disorder showed a significantly lower risk of dementia.

The researchers said they believed this was the first study to investigate the effects of multiple cardiometabolic disorders on the risk of dementia.

Experts told Healthline that the study would be added to the existing body of knowledge.

“We know a lot about heart disease. We know a lot about diabetes. We probably don’t know much about dementia,” he said. Dr. Jorge PlutskyHe is the Dean of the Department of Preventive Cardiology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and an Associate Professor of Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts, and has written extensively on cardiac metabolic disorders.

“It wasn’t surprising to me. I would have said that these things are interrelated and related. But I created the context and provided additional clues and how these were. It’s always great to see additional data that seeks to provide additional insight into what’s duplicated, “he told Healthline.

“There is plenty of evidence to link cardiometabolic disorders to cognitive decline, dysfunction, and even dementia,” he added. Dr. Scott A, KaiserGeriatrician and Director of Geriatric Cognitive Health at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute at the Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California.

“”But what’s interesting in this study is to look at the existence of multiple conditions, “he told Healthline. “If you look at people over the age of 65, two in three suffer from multiple chronic illnesses, especially one-third, which are the types of chronic illnesses examined in this study. I’m suffering from a disease. “

Experts say the takeaway from the study is, as always, trying to prevent heart disease and diabetes.

In addition, if you already have one cardiometabolic disorder, do not develop a second disorder.

“The general soil hypothesis is that diabetes and heart disease are like two weeds in the garden that arise from the same soil,” Plutzky explained. “They are intertwined and if you have one of these conditions, you don’t need the second condition. But because of some of those common soil elements, you risk the second one. By controlling the first risk factor, you are more likely to control the second risk factor. “

Kaiser says prevention is a matter of going back to the basics, or what he calls a “normal suspect.”

“These are natural from a lifestyle elemental point of view. Eat a healthy diet that is rich in vegetables, low in sugar, and contains highly processed foods, and exercise regularly,” Kaiser said. Mr. says. “When it comes to preventing or managing these conditions, it’s what we’re closest to miraculous medicine.”

Plutzky states that if you have already been diagnosed with a cardiometabolic disorder, it is important to manage it properly.

“It will often be associated with some weight loss. If you have heart disease, you absolutely want your blood pressure to be well controlled,” he explained.

“If you have diabetes, be sure to manage glucose. Some new treatments have been shown to have cardiovascular benefits. They are being studied from a dementia perspective. No, but it will eventually be studied, “he added.




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