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US significantly reduces nicotine content in cigarettes: Report

US significantly reduces nicotine content in cigarettes: Report



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President Joe Biden’s administration will announce a new policy requiring tobacco producers to reduce nicotine to non-addictive levels, US media reported Tuesday.

If successful, this policy could save millions of lives by the end of this century and shape a future in which tobacco is no longer the cause of addiction and debilitating illness.

According to the Washington Post, the initiative could be announced on Tuesday, citing the words of someone familiar with the matter.

The Wall Street Journal, which first reported on this issue, added that the Food and Drug Administration needs to develop and publish rules, which can be contested by the industry.

The overall effort is expected to take several years and may be delayed or derailed by proceedings or reversed by a future government that does not sympathize with its purpose.

Nicotine is a “comfortable” chemical that attracts millions of tobacco products. Thousands of other chemicals in cigarettes and their smoke are the cause of illnesses such as cancer. Stroke, lung disease, diabetes, etc.

In the United States, smoking is less prevalent than in Europe and has declined over the years, but according to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 480,000 people die annually in the United States.

According to CDC data, about 13.7% of all adults in the United States are current smokers.

Reducing the nicotine content of cigarettes is a topic that has been debated for years by US authorities.

In 2017, former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb announced that he would like to move forward on this issue. New England Journal of Medicine In 2018, it was found that “nicotine-reduced cigarettes and standard nicotine-reduced cigarettes reduced nicotine exposure and dependence, and the number of cigarettes smoked.”

The FDA has determined that if this policy is enacted in 2020, it can prevent 8 million. From cigarettes by 2100.

The Rejecting the findings, people say they will actually smoke more.

Biden puts “Gun Moon Shot” at the center of his agenda, and nicotine reduction policies will fall within that goal at minimal cost.

According to the CDC, the total economic cost of smoking exceeds $ 300 billion annually, which includes more than $ 225 billion in direct health care for adults and more than $ 156 billion in productivity losses from premature death and exposure to indirect smoking. It is included.

Studies suggest that menthol tobacco increases smoking and nicotine addiction in adolescents

© 2022 AFP

Quote: The United States significantly reduces nicotine content in tobacco: Report (June 21, 2022) is from https: // 2022 Obtained June 21, 2014

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