How do you put a toddler or teen to sleep?Maggie Dent chats with experts to find tips to close their eyes
Oh, sleep deprivation — that’s torture, right?
Few things in life are as frustrating as putting a toddler in bed, staying there, and trying to sleep!
And all parents probably tell themselves: “Seriously, when my cute baby grows up a little, things will surely get better!”
The truth is, when they can walk and talk, it’s time for the real bedtime battle to really begin.
If you’re in a teenage parenting trench, you’ll know that putting them to sleep away from the blue light of your smartphone can be as difficult as putting a toddler to sleep.
Therefore, the fight for sleep is a fairly common part of the parenting challenge.
In the latest season of Parental as Anything, We sought a way to help our children get a good night’s sleep.. But if your child is older or younger, the way to do it takes a slightly different approach.
Dr. Fallon Cook, an Australian infant sleep researcher and practitioner, states that it is normal for infants to wake up at night.
She says you need to be careful if they take a long time to fall asleep (a good range is about 20 to 25 minutes) or if they wake up frequently in the middle of the night.
“A few [toddlers] Parents will be really scared to leave the room — that’s a really common reason for toddlers to oppose bedtime, “says Dr. Cook.
“It’s just that they’re really worried that you’re leaving the room.”
So what should we do to help our children close their winkeys and fall asleep?
1. Separation anxiety
Dr. Cook has some really great practical advice and says the first step is to deal gently with separation anxiety. Children often really want to be close to us because we are safe.
“We’re only there for a few weeks while they fall asleep,” she says.
“You may install a chair to reassure them that you are staying. Some parents may install a bed in the toddler’s room.
“If you feel separation anxiety, sometimes leaning forward and giving them more peace of mind will really work.
“After a few weeks, they may be much more confident and less afraid of you leaving, and you start to gradually leave their room for a longer period of time and how they proceed. You can see if it is. “
2. Keep the routine
Dr. Cook says infants can be like miniature scientists. They are really interested in seeing how things work and what moms and dads will do next. She says that by keeping the routine and using the same calm phrase every night, you can stop the toddler from calling you.
“When you go to them, make it really boring and predictable, and they’re not really changing what they’re doing, so call out and increase your demands. That doesn’t make much sense. ” “
And if your toddler sleeps well near you, yawning, sighing, and singing lullabies may be what they need — it will last forever. there is no.
How can I get a better sleep by calling a teenager?
Dr. Chris Seton, a child and adolescent sleep specialist at the Woolcock Institute in Sydney, tells me that chronic sleep deprivation is an invisible epidemic among teens in Australia. did. He says this has a significant knock-on effect on their learning and mental health.
“”[This means] Children who are tired on weekdays, “says Dr. Seton.
“The current number is 70%, so it’s basically two-thirds. So it’s a big problem that’s getting bigger and bigger.”
Reduce teenage screen time
Dr. Seton says there is one well-known issue that has the greatest impact on our teenagers.
“I think digital technology and late-night screens are the biggest reasons for increased sleep deprivation,” he says.
“Something like this is very attractive and addictive. In contrast, sleep for many teenagers is boring and underestimated.
When it comes to putting your teens to sleep more, these are my big points:
First, we parents need to take a little responsibility to allow teens to manage their sleep and screen usage, even when playing the “But I’m no longer a kid” card. ..
This means setting a solid and affectionate border for your bedroom device at bedtime. You can also model this by allowing everyone in your house to clean up your smartphone at bedtime. Some families have a lock box on which the device moves.
You may need to invest in a good old alarm clock, or you may need to be convincing, but if you can teach teens that beds are sleep-only, everyone will benefit. prize.
Read on our teens site with teens about the great benefits of good sleep, especially how it makes you smarter, gentler and gentler.
And finally, we need to keep an eye on those burner phones. It’s an old second phone that your teens can use as a backup.
It’s not easy, but Dr. Seton says it’s worth it to everyone.
“Sleep is invaluable,” he says.
“It’s a great mood enhancer and a great learning enhancer. It enhances the resilience of teenagers during times of great stress, but it’s a difficult gig to sell to teenagers.”
Tips to remember
Routines build predictability that helps the brain prepare for the end of the day and bedtime. Your job is to understand what works for your kids and teens.
- Your parents must stand firmly, as your child cannot. Remember; you have a fully developed brain, but not those.
- Working with your child to find the best approach is better than requesting and ordering. And remember that there are ages and stages, and things change as your child grows and changes.
- Recognize and accept that anything that ruins your sleep routine can occur during the day.
And finally, if it’s all too difficult and stressful to you and chocolate is no longer useful, I think laughter can really be the best medicine.
Maggie Dent is a parenting author, educator and host ABC Podcast Parentalas Anything..
This article contains only general information. You should consider seeking the advice of an independent expert in relation to your particular situation.
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