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ONE Charlotte Health Alliance offers free HIV testing on Wednesday | WFAE 90.7

ONE Charlotte Health Alliance offers free HIV testing on Wednesday | WFAE 90.7
ONE Charlotte Health Alliance offers free HIV testing on Wednesday | WFAE 90.7


The ONE Charlotte Health Alliance offers free HIV testing.

ONE Charlotte Health Alliance Today deploys mobile health units at Brookwood Inn and the Ministry of Crisis Support, offering free HIV testing from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. No reservation required. This event is part of National HIV Testing Day on June 27th. While this event is being held by a non-profit organization, other organizations may request a mobile health unit to host their own event.

This is the first event hosted by the ONE Charlotte Health Alliance, co-founded by Atrium Health, Novant Health and the Mecklenburg County Public Health Department, after a suspension of service at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic two years ago. The mobile health unit officially resumed service in mid-April with the aim of providing free preventive care to the community. Stationed Zip Codes Most Needed from 10am to 3pm on Tuesdays and every other Thursday Postal codes include 28205, 28206, 28208, 28212, 28216, 28217, 2019 Mecklenburg County Community Health Assessment..according to 2018 evaluationThis part of the town has been designated as a public health priority area and is “related to the chronic illnesses, infectious diseases, and increased mortality associated with these conditions.”

Mecklenburg County PHPA

2019 Mecklenberg Community Health Assessment

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According to Kayla Early, Mecklenburg County Health Program Manager, the Charlotte metropolitan area is ranked as the worst 25% of the metropolitan areas with new HIV infections in the region. In 2021, 281 people were diagnosed with HIV and 71 were diagnosed with AIDS, the late stage of HIV infection. There are disparities in HIV prevalence related to factors such as geography, income, race, and ethnicity, with black residents accounting for 6 of the 10 new HIV infections.

The ONE Charlotte Health Alliance is currently conducting a health assessment survey to identify where services are most needed. Also, according to Emily Lancucki, Operations Director of the ONE Charlotte Health Alliance, we collect feedback on the services we are currently offering to help guide future services.

“Ncoms are the subject of change, but we often resist it very much in our mission and services, which is not the case with the ONE Charlotte Health Alliance,” Lancucki said. “We are very eager to reflect what the community needs.”

Lancucki emphasized how a combination of factors, such as transportation access and distrust in the medical community, can contribute to someone’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. The One Charlotte Health Alliance works closely with community leaders to receive feedback on their initiatives and connect with the people who need them most.

“Things are changing, people are moving, and the decline and flow of socioeconomics is clearly contributing to it,” Rankki said. “We are really on the rise and feel the need for food and additional referral services. Food is a medicine, so certainly it is for fighting the many chronic illnesses we are screening in our health unit. It’s a great way. “

The ONE Charlotte Health Alliance has two units dedicated to food insecurity, in addition to two units dedicated to medical services. Loaves & Fishes..Units that distribute special food boxes are located in different locations place Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm




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