World Health Network declares monkeypox a pandemic
With 3,417 confirmed cases of monkeypox reported in 58 countries, the World Health Network (WHN) has announced that the current outbreak of monkeypox has been declared a pandemic.
Outbreaks are rapidly spreading to multiple continents and will not stop without coordinated global action. It said in a statement.
The WHN announcement will precede the WHO meeting on June 23 to determine the designation of monkeypox outbreaks.
The outbreak would not stop without coordinated global action, it said.
Even if the mortality rate is much lower than that of smallpox, millions of people will die and many more will be blind unless measures are taken to stop the ongoing epidemic (actual measures that can be taken). He said he would become physically handicapped.
WHN stated that the essential purpose of declaring a monkeypox pandemic is to achieve coordinated efforts in multiple countries or around the world to prevent widespread harm.
“There is no reason to wait for the monkeypox pandemic to spread further. Now is the best time to act. Prompt response controls outbreaks with minimal effort and prevents worsening results. The actions currently required are only clear public communication about symptoms, widely available tests, and contact tracing with very few quarantines. President of the New England Complex Systems Institute and WHN. Co-founder Dr. Janer Bayam said:
“WHO needs to urgently declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The lesson of not immediately declaring PHEIC in early January 2020 is to act epidemic late. It needs to be remembered as a historical lesson about what it means to the world. ” Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, epidemiologist and health economist, and co-founder of WHN.
“The first 18 months of the Covid pandemic showed that virus arrest was a cost-effective strategy to coordinate health and economic outcomes. Monkeypox is much easier to stop. It provides some visibility and allows companies to predict their society and economy for the future, “said Cecile Phillips, economist and president of l’Instituté conomique Molinari.
Read again: Is monkeypox a gender infection or a close contact? WHO publishes advisories to gay and bisexual communities
WHN said it is encouraging immediate action by WHO and the National CDC Organization.
“Early action will have a greater impact with smaller interventions. If effective action is taken now, larger and more destructive interventions will not be needed. Health authorities and governments will respond. We should learn from the mistakes of the past of delaying. “
Monkeypox and smallpox come from the same family of viruses called orthopoxviruses. Monkeypox is a viral infection that occurs in rodents and primates and infects people. It was found around Africa, primarily the rainforest region, but is now spread all over the world, especially in the western world. According to WHO, monkeypox usually presents clinically with fever, rash, and swollen lymph nodes, which can cause a variety of complications. Monkeypox is a self-limited illness that usually lasts for 2-4 weeks.
Evidence includes monkeypox, including physical contact (contact with infected individuals, especially rash / posture), contact with contaminated clothing, bedding and objects, breathing of particles in the air, and intimate contact / sex. Supports many different routes of infection.
Most of the early cases identified are primarily among those identified as gay, bisexual, or men having sex with men. Therefore, the United Nations Health Agency recently issued important public health recommendations for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men.
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