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Public Health Tracking Four COVID-19 Outbreaks Linked to Edmonton Restaurants



Health officials were tracking outbreaks of COVID-19 associated with four Edmonton restaurants Tuesday, as Alberta reported 41 new cases of respiratory disease.

Four restaurants were Jasper Avenue’s Gretabar (15 cases), Earl’s Tin Palace (6 cases), The Pint (10 cases) and Local (9 cases). At a press conference.

“Alberta Health Services has worked closely with operators to ensure inspections and ensure that all the necessary steps to protect public health are in place,” Hinsho said.

“We encourage everyone who has attended any of these places in the last two weeks to take the test.

“I would like to reiterate that these restaurants and the people tested are doing the right thing by taking steps to stop this outbreak. Don’t be shy, but rather help isolate public health and work together to track and follow up on contacts, just like these restaurants do.”

An outbreak in Calgary’s high-rise condominium, Zavarb, has also been followed by public health, linked to 49 cases, of which 33 are still active. The cause of the outbreak is still under investigation, Hinsho said.

One of the Edmonton area, Millwoods West (27 cases), and Calgary Center (34 cases) are classified in the Watch category.

Regions with at least 10 active cases and more than 50 active cases per 100,000 population are considered above threshold and are monitored for additional health measures.

Outdoor gathering

On Tuesday, the limit on outdoor gatherings in Alberta increased from 100 to 200 to prepare for Canada Day celebrations, which the state did not at least look like in the first century.

The cap applies to outdoor events such as festivals, fireworks, rodeos, sporting events and performances, Alberta Health said in a news release.

All public health measures are in place, including physical distance.

Hinshaw said the state decided to increase the restrictions as it had seen little transmission of COVID-19 to the community at public outdoor events.

At the beginning of the second phase of the renewal, the state committed to investigating case numbers and epidemiology and recommending changes to the guidelines that it considers appropriate, Hinsho said.

Most of the infections occurred in social gatherings and in workplaces where people were close, often indoors, not more than two meters away, and didn’t wear masks, she said.

“We did not see any serious infections in more structured or seated-type events outdoors. We know that the risk of infection is reduced when we are outdoors.

“So, when we looked at how we could move forward with regards to Stage 2, and when we were looking at the different types of possible activities, the ability to expand those more structured audience-type community events , Not only on Canada Day, but also during the summer, Albertans can join what was otherwise capped at 100.”

Latest numbers

The 41 additional cases reported on Tuesday brought the total number of active cases in the state to 547.

The breakdown by region is as follows.

  • Edmonton Zone: 246 cases.
  • Calgary Zone: 232 cases.
  • North zone: 36 cases.
  • South zone: 28 cases.
  • Central zone: 4 cases
  • Unknown: One case.

On Tuesday, the Toronto City Council voted to require non-medical masks and face covers in public indoor areas to help limit the spread of coronaviruses.

When asked about movements from Canada’s largest city, Hinshaw said the municipalities could look at the epidemiology of their region and local conditions and take appropriate action.

“Of course, the state continues to encourage all Albertans to wear masks in public indoor spaces, especially if they can’t keep a constant 2 meter distance from the outside of their household or cohort. is.

“Of course, we provide masks at various places, such as in municipalities, so that we can use them during transit, and we use other distribution mechanisms so people can access the masks when they need them.

She said the state continues to encourage wearing masks when in crowded rooms.

So far, 154 people in Alberta have died of this disease.

The age breakdown of those who died is:

  • Over 80, 108 people died.
  • 70-79 years, 31 deaths.
  • 60-69 years, 10 deaths.
  • 50-59 years, the death of two people.
  • One death in 40-49 years.
  • 30-39 years, the death of one.
  • 20-29, the death of one.

By Monday, 7,354 had recovered from COVID-19 in Alberta, and the state had completed 442,253 tests.

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