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How do you get it? NYer Stock Symptoms – NBC New York

How do you get it? NYer Stock Symptoms – NBC New York


When I asked Tim Hickel about him, a man in New York City said he was. Monkeypox, It is a rare disease, usually confined to Africa, and is currently the largest outbreak in the United States.

The actor is one of at least 30 people who have been tested positive for the virus in New York City since early May. Almost all cases of NYC, which account for more than 20% of all cases diagnosed nationwide in recent outbreaks, are associated with men who have sex with men.

That’s what happened in the case of Hickel. He said his sexual partner felt he might have been infected with a virus from the same family as the virus that causes smallpox, but he said he was having a hard time finding tests available in the city. Says.

Six days after the exposure, Hickel said. He checked his body. He had mild redness, a mild rash, and irritation. Then he saw three circular lesions near his groin. Hickel felt still okay at that point, but he was “surprised, of course,” he said.

More than a week after a sexual encounter that he believes Hickel was exposed to, he says he suffered from more severe symptoms such as fever, malaise, pain in the back of his eyes, and congestion. There was another outbreak. Three more pains.

“I barely got out of bed for three days,” Hinkern said. “The crazy thing about this is that they are changing. Pain evolves over time.”

Two weeks after exposure, one appeared in his hand. He still has one wreckage on his chin. They started as small rashes, then became round and began to pus, Hickel says. Now he says he is dealing with swollen and swollen lymph nodes.

Symptoms may take 7 to 14 days to appear, but may take up to 21 days to appear

Hickel, who spent a period of transmission, mostly isolated at home, said he tried to be tested earlier this month but encountered the same problems as his partner who notified him of the exposure. He says he was disappointed with the 311 dispatchers who transferred him from one line to another and the lack of easy access to the information.

That information and testing is now more extensive, the network is expected to grow further in the coming weeks, and Hickernell states that it is “essential” to containment.

But he says he needs more education. For example, Hickernell learned that unlike COVID, it is not contagious without symptoms. Six days before being notified of the exposure, he kissed another person. He hung out with his roommate. He comforts knowing that he was not contagious at the time.

That’s why Hickel shares his story. To help other New Yorkers trying to navigate the same “muddy sea”, assess their symptoms, and get the help they need as quickly as possible. More public warnings are needed, Hickel says.

And New Yorkers need to be attentive to each other.

“Check your body. Check if someone else’s body is in pain,” Hickel said. “It sounds a lot, but we have to treat this almost as a COVID situation. We all feel traumatized and tired, but people have to take this seriously. I Is underreported. “

Recognizing that Hickernell is probably one of many, New York City health officials are enhancing their game.They on thursday Started offering monkeypox vaccine According to the latest CDC data, at least 156 outbreaks are currently widespread in about half of the US states. However, the actual number is probably higher.

Vaccine demand in five provinces has reduced carry-on on the first day. Health officials said Thursday before 2:00 pm that all appointments were booked until Monday and within three hours of announcing that the dose was available.

Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 and was named after an outbreak in a monkey colony that had been bred for research. (What you need to know about monkeypox.) It is derived from the same virus family as smallpox.

According to the World Health Organization, most people recover from monkeypox within a few weeks, but the disease is fatal in 1 in 10 people.

The first human case was reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1970. The Democratic Republic of the Congo still has the majority of infections. Other African countries where it was found: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone.

Outbreaks of monkeypox are rare in the United States.The The CDC says the risk to the general public remains lowHowever, it is advisable to avoid close contact with people suffering from skin and genital lesions and sick people, including sick and dead animals. People with symptoms should contact their healthcare provider for guidance.

CDC It also encourages healthcare providers to monitor patients with rashes. Consistent with illnessRegardless of whether they have traveled or have other risk factors. Learn more about travel notifications.

Vaccines and treatments for monkeypox have already been approved




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