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National HIV Test Date | Leon’s Florida Department of Health

National HIV Test Date | Leon’s Florida Department of Health


DOH Leon Observes National HIV Test Dates

June 24, 2022

DOH Leon will comply with the 2022 National HIV Test Date

Tallahassee, Florida — On June 27, the Florida Department of Health (DOH Leon) said: National HIV test date (NHTD) Emphasize and encourage HIV testing. This year’s theme, “HIV Testing is Self-Care,” emphasizes the message that knowledge of status is a gateway to engaging in preventive or therapeutic services that enable individuals to lead longer and healthier lives regardless of status. increase.

DOH Leon works with a diverse group of healthcare and community partners to help all citizens learn HIV status and access the right tools to stay healthy. “We recommend that citizens over the age of 13 be tested for HIV. There are too many people in Leon County living with HIV who do not know their condition. Early coordination with care and anti-retroviral treatment. Its use suppresses the virus, prolongs its lifespan, and reduces the transmission of the virus. ” Sandon S. Speedling, MHS, CPM, CPH, DOH Leon Interim Health Officer.

In 2019, 4,584 people were diagnosed with HIV in Florida. At the end of the year, 116,689 Florida people were identified living with HIV. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that an additional 18,200 Florida people lived with HIV but were unaware of it. Early diagnosis of HIV leads to successful treatment, so it is very important for your health to be tested to know your HIV status.

People can reduce their risk of HIV by using appropriate preventive strategies, such as the use of condoms, regular tests, and the implementation of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Contact your healthcare provider to find out if PrEP is recommended.

In honor of NHTD, the Leon County HIV Program will participate in an eight-day community event for HIV testing and community participation throughout the Big Bend region starting Thursday, June 23. Program specialists provide fast and sensitive HIV and STI testing and teaching materials. , And promotional giveaways. All test services are free and anyone over the age of 13 can take the test. Results are available within 20 minutes.

DOHLeon’s regional HIV / AIDS prevention team will mark official national HIV testing dates (June 27) in two locations.

Lindy’s Fried Chicken
2120 Crawfordville Highway
Crawfordville, Florida 32327
From 10 am to 2 pm

Neighborhood Medical Center
Karaoke night and HIV testing
872 W. Orange Avenue
Tallahassee, Florida 32310
6 pm to 9 pm

Free, confidential and rapid inspections are always available at the Leon County Health Department, 37 registered inspection sites in Leon County, and 97 inspection locations throughout the metropolitan area.visit To find a quick test location near you.

Did you know that you can send a free quick home HIV test kit to your home? The test you receive by email is the OraQuickOral Antibody test. It is done by putting a cotton swab on the lining of your mouth. It takes 20 minutes to process the result.You can request you today by visiting

Call 1-800-FLA-AIDS for more information. en Espanol, 1-800-545-SIDA; Creole, 1-800-AIDS-101.

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Written by:

Pamela Salisby | Public Information Officer




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