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Body odor: You are more likely to make friends with someone who smells like you

Body odor: You are more likely to make friends with someone who smells like you


We unknowingly sniff people when we first meet and are more likely to make friends with people who have similar body odors to us.


June 24, 2022

Two young women rest on a picnic blanket

Would you like to make friends because of the smell?

Jessica Prautzsch / plain picture

Similar people body odor According to some experiments, you are more likely to “click” and become friends immediately.

When we first meet others, we sometimes say, “Immediate strong clicks that make us feel as if we were already good friends for years.” Inbal Labreby At the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.

She wondered if this had something to do with body odor. Earlier research found that the meeting unknowingly sniffed each other. After waving someone’s hand, lift our hand to the nose..

Ravreby and her colleagues recruited 20 pairs of non-romantic friends of the same sex (half female and half male) who said they clicked immediately at the first meeting.

To sniff the T-shirts worn by each participant, an electronic nose, a device that senses the chemical composition of the scent, was used. The nose found that body odor was more similar between pairs of friends than between random pairs formed by shuffling participants.

A group of 25 independent adults who sniffed participants’ T-shirts also reported that a pair of friends smelled more like a random pair.

Next, Ravreby and her colleagues recruited 17 people they had never met before. Electronic nose To analyze their body odor. Each individual then took turns playing non-verbal games with other participants of the same sex.

The results were consistent with previous experiments. Pairs that smell similar to each other are more likely to report the sensation of clicking during this game.

According to the survey, the survey results make sense. We tend to make friends with people like usFor example, Ravreby says in terms of age, ethnicity, education, religion, appearance, personality, and values.

Other mammals also use scents to determine who is an enemy or ally. Sniffing dog When they meet in the park, she says the trailing edge of each other.

Heterosexuals, in contrast, appear to be attracted to members of the opposite sex who smell different from them. For example, in one study Women were more attracted to the scent of men with different immune genesPerhaps because their pairing produces offspring with a stronger immune system.

Journal reference: Science Advances, DOI: 10.1126 / sciadv.abn0154

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