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GPs and pharmacies expect a “significant surge” in free flu vaccines for children

GPs and pharmacies expect a “significant surge” in free flu vaccines for children
GPs and pharmacies expect a “significant surge” in free flu vaccines for children


Vaccinated GPs and pharmacists expect children to see a surge in reservations for free flu vaccines, which will put pressure on their struggling workforce. say.

Six-year-old Hannah (L) receives a plaster after being vaccinated with the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine for children at a vaccination center at a car dealership in Iserlohn, western Germany, on January 5, 2022. I did.

Photo: AFP

From friday Children aged 3 to 12 can get a free flu shot.After health officials were informed about the increase in preschoolers hospitalized for illness this winter.

And from tomorrow, the second Covid-19 booster will be available to all people over the age of 50, and health, geriatric and disabled care workers over the age of 30 six months after the first booster. Become.

Winter illnesses caused by the flu put extreme pressure on the national health system, so some hospitals offer free general practitioner consultations to prevent patients from coming to the emergency department.

Vaccine frontline people say that increased access is welcome, but with additional workload.

Vicky Chan, a pharmacist at Pakuranga Unichem, said she already has parents who bring their children for the flu vaccine.

She knew it was free from Friday and was hoping for an influx of reservations.

“We need to be a little more careful with winter peaks and all logistic issues, but we need to estimate demand as we can imagine a significant surge in the news.”

She said extending the free flu vaccine and the second Covid-19 booster would be a good move, but would put pressure on the team providing the dose.

“Currently, our workforce has a huge problem for our staff, but I think pharmacies are very good just to step up. At the same time, we are doing a lot of things, so we put pressure on pharmacies. There is no doubt that it will take. “

GPs are already suffering from a surge in winter illnesses affecting patients and their own health care workers.

On the North Shore, North Care Accidents and Medicals see more people with winter illnesses.

Dr. Peter Boot, its medical director, said extending the free flu vaccine and the second Covid-19 booster is a good move and expects a surge in bookings.

“They may do a small amount of work in the short term, but hopefully they will prevent many of the more serious illnesses.”

He said the clinic has a Covid-19 Vaccination Center, which is prepared to accommodate additional appointments.

“I think we’re more ready for vaccination than in the last few years. This is because we’re doing a lot of Covid vaccination, so the whole vaccination setup is very well oiled. It’s not difficult to get the flu vaccine. It’s the same route. “

ProCare has 167 clinics nationwide, and its clinical director, Dr. Allan Moffitt, said that many areas have higher influenza hospitalization rates than Covid-19.

He encouraged people to immunize and protect themselves from serious illness when health care workers reached capacity.

“It’s important to be unsatisfied with how serious and potentially debilitating these illnesses are, as we slowly return to normal. Thousands of cases of influenza and covid are now prevalent in the community. It is imperative that people take the time to protect themselves because they are against hospitalization. “

Chan sought further understanding from those who wanted to get a free flu vaccination or a second Covid-19 booster.

“It will definitely see a very significant increase in the workload of our pharmacies, so be patient with us a little more.”

Dr. Brian Betty of Polylua Union and Community Health.

Dr. Brian Betty
Photo: RNZ / Karen Brown

The government is unlikely to introduce stricter Covid-19 measures, such as forced face masks at schools and changes to Covid-19 settings, as pressure on the health system continues.

Dr. Brian Betty, MD, head of medicine at the University of GP, said cases of overworked and underfunded GPs were not uncommon and were a real concern across the country.

The increase in workload was due to a surge in winter illness, a second Covid-19 booster appointment, and influenza vaccination...

“We have seen different parts of the country where the services of general practitioners are inadequate. Due to the lack of sufficient doctors and nurses on the ground, doctors and nurses are doing a lot of additional work in addition to their normal work. increase. .

“The situation is not uncommon throughout the country. It’s certainly happening and it’s a concern,” Dr. Betty said. Checkpoint.

Medical staff also began to feel sick, putting extra pressure on those who could continue to work.

The influenza strain that was prevalent this year was “extremely toxic,” especially for young people.

In addition to the usual number of cases that cause fatigue experienced by many GPs, patients were under pressure.




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