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Experience of cyberbullying related to suicidal tendencies in early adolescence

Experience of cyberbullying related to suicidal tendencies in early adolescence


Young adolescents targeted for cyberbullying are more likely to report suicidal ideation and attempted suicide, and a link between suicidal ideation and traditional offline bullying, according to a new study from the Lifespan Brain Institute (LiBI) at the Philadelphia Children’s Hospital. Is over. (CHOP) and the University of Pennsylvania.Survey results released today JAMA network open..

With younger adolescents spending more time online than ever before, the study highlights the potential negative impact of bullying in virtual space on targets. Given these results, it may be wise to regularly screen cyberbullying in the same way that primary care providers screen for other suicide risk factors such as depression. Educators and parents also need to be aware of considerable stress bullying in cyber-world locations against young adolescents. “

Ran Barzilay, MD, PhD, Senior Author, Associate Professor of LIBI

Children’s suicide rates are steadily rising. According to the CDC, suicide was the second leading cause of death for individuals between the ages of 10 and 24 in 2018. The factors that contribute to suicide in children and adolescents are not fully understood, but studies show that environmental stressors play a role. Traditional bullying and alumni persecution are well-established risk factors for suicide among adolescents.

In modern times, a significant proportion of peer interactions, including bullying, have occurred online via text messages or social media platforms, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. However, prior to this study, it was not clear whether being the target of cyberbullying was an independent risk factor for suicidal tendencies.

To better understand whether cyberbullying is unique in the context of early adolescent suicidal tendencies, researchers collaborated with Anat Brunstein Klomek, PhD of the Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology at the University of Lyman, Israel. Together, the researchers found a diverse sample of more than 10,000 U.S. children aged 10 to 13 years from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD Study) from July 2018 to January 2021. We analyzed the data collected during that time.

As part of the ABCD investigation, participants answered cyberbullying questions asking if they were the target or perpetrator of cyberbullying. Or on social media (Instagram, Snapchat, etc.). Traditional offline bullying was investigated through another survey. In this survey, we categorized behaviors into three categories. Relational aggression, such as not inviting or excluding someone. Reputable attacks such as spreading rumors and rumors.

To determine suicidal tendencies, researchers examined whether participants reported past or present suicidal ideation or suicidal behavior.

Of the 10,414 ABCD survey participants included in the survey, 7.6% reported suicidal ideation or suicidal ideation, 8.9% reported being the target of cyberbullying, and 0.9% reported other cyberbullying. Reported. The authors found that being a target of cyberbullying is associated with suicidal tendencies, but not being a cyberbullyer. The discovery was different from traditional offline bullying, where being the target or perpetrator of bullying was associated with suicidal tendencies.

In addition, researchers found that online bullying partially overlapped with offline bullying, supporting the notion that cyberbullying is a separate phenomenon unrelated to the experience of offline bullying. doing. This may suggest that adolescents affected by cyberbullying are different from adolescents affected by offline bullying.

“Our findings suggest that being the target of cyberbullying is an independent risk factor for adolescents’ suicidal tendencies,” said Dr. Bargeley. “For policy makers who want to optimize their youth suicide prevention efforts, this study should further encourage intervention in those who are being bullied online.”


Journal reference:

Arnon, S. , et al. (2022) Relationship between cyberbullying experience and crime and suicide tendency in early adolescence. JAMA network opened.




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