Here’s what you need to know about viruses:
At least two monkeypox cases have been identified in Ohio, as long as the number of infections has risen to over 200 nationwide.
A 48-year-old Columbus man was diagnosed with the virus on Monday, According to Columbus Public Health, marks the second case in the state. The first Ohio case was reported on June 13, according to the Ohio Health Department.
Cases have also been reported in Indiana, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 51 cases have been reported in California, with more infectious diseases reported so far than in any other state.
Monkeypox in Columbus:Hear: Interview with Dr. Joe Gastald on COVID, Monkeypox, etc.
This is not the first time that a case of monkeypox has been seen in Ohio. According to the CDC, the infection was reported to have occurred in six states in 2003.
July 2021Ohio was also exposed to monkeypox after flying from Lagos, Nigeria to Atlanta, Georgia. Patients with monkeypox were on the same plane as Ohio, the state health department at the time said.
Here’s what you need to know about the current outbreak of monkeypox:
What is Monkeypox?
Monkeypox is a rare disease derived from the same viral family as smallpox, including cowpox, camelpox, and horsepox. According to the CDC, the virus was first discovered in a colony of research monkeys in 1958.
The first human case of the virus was confirmed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1970. According to the CDC, most monkeypox infections still occur there today, but the disease has also been reported in several other Central and West African countries.
How does the infection occur?
Monkeypox usually spreads to people with infected animals such as rodents. According to the World Health Organization, human-to-human transmission is possible, but less common. The virus can also spread through contaminated substances.
According to the CDC, the carriers of the main disease of monkeypox are still unknown, but some experts suspect that African rodents are involved in the infection.
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In parts of Central and West Africa, people can be exposed to the virus by bites and scratches on rodents and small mammals, wildlife preparation, and contact with infected animals and animal products.
The virus is not easily spread among humans, but human-to-human transmission usually occurs through large respiratory droplets. According to the CDC, these droplets usually cannot move beyond a few feet, so long-term face-to-face contact is required to spread monkeypox.
What are the symptoms of monkeypox?
Monkeypox usually begins with flu-like symptoms and swollen lymph nodes, the CDC said. Symptoms of monkeypox are usually similar to those of smallpox, but mild.
Early symptoms include fever, muscle aches, chills, and malaise. In more severe cases, a rash similar to that found in chickenpox and smallpox can often occur on the face and genitals.
Painful and itchy lesions can form throughout the body before they eventually become scabs and shed.
According to the CDC, people infected with monkeypox usually begin to develop symptoms 7 to 14 days after infection. The illness usually lasts for several weeks.
How dangerous is monkeypox?
According to the World Health Organization, most people recover from monkeypox within a few weeks, but the disease can be fatal.
Scientists have identified two forms of virus: West African clades and Congo Basin clades. The West African ramification group is less deadly and dies in about 1 percent of infectious diseases. According to the World Health Organization, the ramification group of the Congo Basin can kill 1 in 10 people with the disease.
Although the data are preliminary, the current outbreak appears to be associated with less deadly West African clade, said Dr. Anne W. Rimoin, professor of epidemiology at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.
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Jimmy Whitworth, a professor of international public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, told Reuters that the virus would not reach the same level of infection and death as COVID-19.
“This won’t cause a national epidemic like COVID, but it’s a serious outbreak of a serious illness, and we should take it seriously,” Whitworth said.
Limoin warned against a comparison with COVID-19. This is because monkeypox is not a new virus. “We are not dealing with a completely new pathogen that has never been studied.”
Is there a monkeypox vaccine?
yes. Two vaccines developed for smallpox have been approved for monkeypox, and some antivirals appear to be effective.
According to Limoin, the eradication of smallpox has made the planet vulnerable to the outbreak of related viruses such as monkeypox. Because smallpox vaccines are not widely administered, the immune protection provided by smallpox is lacking in billions of people around the world.
According to the CDC, vaccines may also be used to prevent monkeypox in people who may have been exposed to the virus.
Have you had a monkeypox outbreak in the United States before?
According to the CDC, cases of monkeypox in the United States are rare.
Texas and Maryland each reported 2021 cases of people traveling to Nigeria.
According to the CDC, in 2003, health experts identified 47 possible cases of monkeypox in six states: Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Did. Authorities traced the incident to an infected pet prairie dog after being housed near a small mammal imported from Ghana.
Ohio Monkeypox:Ohio has the first possible case of monkeypox, says the State Health Department
The 2003 outbreak was the first time a human monkeypox was reported outside Africa.
No deaths occurred as a result of the outbreak, Limoin said. However, Mr. Limoin said the recent case was “an important reminder that an infection anywhere is potentially an infection everywhere.”
The Associated Press contributed to this story.
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