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Elmo just got his Covid-19 vaccine

Elmo just got his Covid-19 vaccine


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Elmo, everyone’s favorite red Muppet, has been vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine.

In a public service announcement announced on Tuesday Through the Sesame Workshop, a non-commercial educational institution behind Sesame Street, Elmo’s dad Louis (also the Muppets) shared a question about the Covid-19 vaccine for children under the age of five. Elmo is three and a half years old.

“Is it safe? Was it the right decision?” I talked to our pediatrician so that I could make the right choice, “Louie told PSA. “I learned that vaccination of Elmo is the best way to keep yourself, your friends, your neighbors, and everyone else healthy and enjoy what they love.”

Janet Betancourt, senior vice president of social impact at the Sesame Workshop, said children under the age of five will now have access to the Covid-19 vaccine and parents may have questions.

“I hope Louie and Elmo encourage parents and caregivers across the country to talk to healthcare providers and look for information to learn how the COVID-19 vaccine keeps infants and their families healthy. “Betancourt said in an email.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted an emergency use authorization Moderna and Pfizer / BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines Includes children 6 months before June. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approved Covid-19 vaccination for children under the age of 5 on June 17, following a CDC vaccine advisor. Unanimously vote On the same day, we recommend that children under the age of 5 use the Covid-19 vaccine.

These vaccines are currently available, but some parents I’m reluctant to vaccinate my child right away. According to the report, only 18% of parents of children under the age of 5 will vaccinate their children with Covid-19 as soon as the vaccine is available. April Kaiser Family Foundation Vaccine Monitor Survey.. In addition, 38% of parents surveyed said “wait and see” before vaccination of young children.

“Approximately 5.7 million child cases of COVID-19 have been reported nationally in 2022 alone, and vaccination is to protect both children and their families from highly contagious viruses and their variants. It’s an important step in the process, “said the Ad Council and Sesame Workshop press releases.

As of June 22, nearly 30% of children aged 5-11 and almost 60% of children aged 12-17 have been fully vaccinated with Covid-19. According to the CDC.

Children aged 2 and 4 of CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Linawen received their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine on Monday, June 27. Wen was eager to vaccinate his child, but he knows many parents. He is on the fence.

“We need to respect people asking questions. This video acknowledges that parents want to do the right thing for our children and is a reliable source of information for pediatricians. We encourage you to look for information from, “Wen said in an email.

PSA is a “beautiful” example of modeling healthy behavior and a way to help people understand that it’s okay to ask questions about vaccines, says the Department of Pediatric Psychiatrists at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Neha Chaudhary, a doctor, said. BeMe Health Medical Officer.

“Looking at this, I think there are kids and parents who also ask those questions, handle them, and feel that if the doctor is okay with them, they can get the COVID-19 vaccine,” Chaudhary said. Said in an email

Dr. Jenny Radeski, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Michigan’s CS Mott, says that children build strong bonds with their favorite media characters, so “friends” experience something new and potentially scary. May be useful to see and learn. Children’s hospital.

“It’s natural to get vaccinated and stress both the child and his parents,” Radesky said in an email. “I appreciate it when media creators skillfully put the pearl of knowledge in their stories that help families deal with it.”




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