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Will Bradford be next for a local blockade? Coronavirus rates in Yorkshire town are “obviously concerned”


Members of the army work at the Coronavirus Test Station at Victoria Park in Leicester.  (AP)
Members of the army work at the Coronavirus Test Station at Victoria Park in Leicester. (AP)

Since Lester became the first city in England Placed in local lockdown Following the surge in coronavirus cases, there is concern that other northern regions may follow.

That both Bradford and Doncaster are “subjects of concern” Coronavirus response.

Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London advised the government before resigning. Lockdown rule violationTells the BBC Radio 4 Today program: “In the future, outbreaks in the region will inevitably occur. Lockdown rules will be relaxed. In other words, the number of contact points for residents is increasing and the process is very diverse.”

When asked about Bradford and Doncaster, “these are not as expensive as Leicester, but the areas with the highest number of cases per 100,000 in the population, which is a relevant measure, and is clearly of concern. doing. .”

Prof. Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London gives a video link to the Senate Committee on Science and Technology.  (PA)
Prof. Neil Ferguson, Imperial College London, gave a video link to the Senate Committee on Science and Technology. (PA)

His concerns were echoed by epidemiologist John Wright, Told the BBC Regions with demographics similar to Leicester need “always vigilant” for new epidemics.

He added that areas with a large BAME community and “multi-dwelling, multi-generational living” (including Bradford) are at risk of coronavirus spikes.

Dr Duncan Robertson of the School of Business Economics at Loughborough University, based on the weekly rate of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 tests in public health England, Bradford may face blockade..

Bradford sat behind Leicester at a rate of 69.4 coronavirus cases per 100,000 and 140.2 coronavirus cases per 100,000 were screened.

However, he added, it’s unclear if these are endemic to the community, or whether they occur in schools or elsewhere.

Depending on these factors, Robertson said lockdowns “may not be appropriate.”

Doncaster Director of Public Health Dismissed rumors The town may be heading to a local blockade.

Dr. Rupert Suckling said coronavirus cases have dropped significantly since mid-June.

He also added: “More data is now available nationally, which will open for scrutiny and speculation.

Because of the pandemic, at Leicester's Spinney Hill Park, the children's play swing remained locked and chained.  (Getty)
Because of the pandemic, at Leicester’s Spinney Hill Park, the children’s play swing remained locked and chained. (Getty)

“I have an illusion that we’re past the worst,” Ferguson said, as Leicester continues to lock down while other parts of England are ready to reopen pubs and restaurants over the weekend. He warned, “This is far from the end.”

“In retrospect, we were one of the most prevalent countries in Europe.

“But before we make an international comparison, remember that we are still very early in this pandemic. There is some illusion that we are somehow overcoming the worst.

“In this country, perhaps less than 8% of the population is infected.

“It’s not the end, so I think we can learn the lessons that have happened in the UK so far, but before we take a serious look, I’ll focus on getting the next six months right.”

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