Where are the COVID vaccines for children under the age of 5 in New York?New details revealed
Since the initiative launched last week, approximately 11,300 children under the age of five in New York have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine. This slowed the pace of previous campaigns to vaccinate older children and raised concerns about hurdles to access to shots.
The months-long wait for Ingrid Scholze to vaccinate two children under the age of 5 with COVID-19 ended last Thursday.
However, instead of being vaccinated near Chappaqua’s home in Westchester County, they both received their first injections in Bronx emergency medical care.
Why did I need to drive about 20 miles to get a shot?
Scholze, 36, could not find a dose available outside New York City. June 18 Federal Regulatory Authority Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines approved at ages 6 months to 4 years.
“It’s not the end of the world. Scholze said,” I had to drive a little more, but of course not everyone can do it. “
“(New York) seems to have been able to make some plans,” she added, adding that many doses were not available to state and local authorities during the first few days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approved the vaccine. Mentioned that.
How many children under the age of 5 in New York received the COVID vaccine?
Following early delays in vaccine access throughout New York, more pharmacies, pediatricians, health care providers, and other vaccine sites began offering shots to the youngest children late last week.And a list of vaccine sites-posted online -We continued to grow this week.
Still, the initial count for children under the age of 5 being vaccinated is lower than previous campaigns for vaccination of older children and adults.
In New York, as of Wednesday morning, a total of 11,353 children under the age of five received the first dose, state officials said.
In contrast, about 50,000 children aged 5-11 years in New York received the first dose. During the first week of COVID-19 vaccine eligibility for that age group in early November.. However, the campaign benefited from a relatively wide range of vaccine access throughout the state, including clinics held at some schools.
vaccination: COVID Vaccine for Children Under 5 in New York: FAQ
Nevertheless, a combination of different factors influences the promotion of vaccination for children under the age of five.
For example, the recent decline in COVID-19 cases has reduced the sense of urgency for vaccination, despite the impending threat of a resurgence this fall. Many parents are also reluctant to vaccinate children under the age of 5 and are not at risk of more severe COVID-19 cases than the elderly. According to a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation..
In general, vaccination of the youngest child requires additional medical expertise and resources, which has historically limited the number of healthcare providers and pharmacies that can provide shots.
Meanwhile, state health officials will vaccinate children under the age of five last Thursday, including pediatricians, family doctors, local county health departments, federal-qualified health centers, and some pharmacies. We have released guidance detailing where to go.
“Finally, the COVID-19 vaccine is here for the youngest New Yorker up to 6 months old,” State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett said in a statement. “I encourage parents and parents to vaccinate their smallest ones and give them the safe and effective protection they need for COVID-19,” she added.
Guidance was too late for Scholze, whose vaccination urgency arose from the need to finalize a summer travel plan for the long-awaited visit of children with their 92-year-old grandparents.
For parents of Scholze and other youngest children, the two-dose Moderna vaccine series has been completed, with the second vaccination at least one month after the first vaccination and the possibility of COVID-19 revival in the fall. It’s also important to do it before.
The crunch on that schedule will only be strict with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. This requires 3 doses over a minimum of 11 weeks.
“This is not a perfect (vaccination) system, and summer is tough for children because they are traveling or camping,” Scholze said.
On the other hand, efforts to vaccinate children aged 5 to 11 have been largely stalled in recent months. Only 37% of New York children in this age group are fully vaccinated, suggesting that parents refuse or delay receiving injections for their children.
State health officials said last week that they plan to launch a “comprehensive state-wide media campaign to encourage vaccination of all currently qualified people” later this summer.
Where can I get a COVID vaccine for children under the age of 5 in New York?
Health care providers across New York City, with the exception of New York City, have so far ordered a total of 64,300 COVID-19 vaccines for children under the age of five, state officials said.
In New York, people can find the COVID-19 vaccine online. www.Vaccines.govOr call the state hotline 1-833-NYS-4-VAX.
State health officials said pharmacies could only vaccinate children over the age of three, citing federal regulations. Some pharmacies may require an authorization code from your pediatrician to verify your child’s age.
State health officials and CDC guidance show that the vaccine is very effective in preventing severe illness in all children up to 6 months of age, including children already infected with COVID-19. We recommended vaccination as soon as possible, citing some clinical data. ..
Authorities have requested parents and guardians to contact their respective healthcare providers, county health authorities, and pharmacies for more information on obtaining the vaccine.
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