The first confirmed case of a cat infected with COVID
Was first Sneezing hamster, A cat sneezing now. The Thai team reports the first solid evidence that a pet cat was infected with SARS-CoV-2. This is the addition of cats to the list of animals that can infect humans with the virus.
Researchers say the results are compelling. Given the size of the pandemic, the ability of the virus to jump between animal species, and the close contact between cats and humans, it took so long to establish that an infection could occur. I’m surprised at that. “We knew this was a two-year potential,” says Angela Bosco-Lauth, an infectious disease researcher at Colorado State University in Fort Collins.
Early studies of the pandemic found that cats released infectious viral particles that could infect other cats. And during the pandemic process, countries have reported SARS-CoV-2 infections in dozens of pet cats. However, establishing the direction of virus spread requires attention from cat to person, or from person to cat. The Thai study is “an interesting case report and a great example of good contact tracing,” said Marion Coupmans, a virologist at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Discovery of a cat published in Emerging infectious diseases It happened on June 6, said Sarunyou Chusri, an infectious disease researcher and doctor at Songkhla University in Hat Yai, southern Thailand. In August, a father and son who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 were transferred to an isolated ward at a university hospital. Their 10-year-old cat was also wiped and tested positive. While wiped with a cotton swab, the cat sneezes on the face of a veterinarian who wears a mask and gloves but does not wear eye protection.
Three days later, the vet developed fever, snuff, and cough, which subsequently tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, but none of her close contacts developed COVID-19 and infected the cat. It suggests that I was doing it. Her genetic analysis confirmed that the veterinarian was infected with the same mutant as the cat and its owner, and that the genomic sequence of her virus was identical.
Low risk
Researchers say that such cases of cat-to-human transmission are probably rare. Experimental studies have shown that infected cats do not release much of the virus, only for a few days, says Leo Poon, a virologist at the University of Hong Kong.
Still, Chusri says it’s worth taking special care when dealing with cats that are suspected of being infected. People “shouldn’t throw away cats, but they should take more care,” he says.
Other animals suspected of infecting people include farmed minks in Europe and North America, pet hamsters in Hong Kong, and wild white-tailed deer in Canada. Adding a cat to the list “provides a better understanding of the potential zoonotic disease of this virus,” says Poon.
However, researchers state that these are all rare events and that animals have not yet played an important role in the spread of the virus. “Human beings are clearly still the main source of the virus,” says Bosco-Lauth.
This article has been duplicated with permission First edition June 29, 2022.
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