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Studies reveal the structure of human endogenous reverse transcriptase-ScienceDaily

Studies reveal the structure of human endogenous reverse transcriptase-ScienceDaily


According to a study co-authored by Rutgers researchers, the crystalline structure of human endogenous reverse transcriptase is a well-known and manageable drug target that helps design drugs to treat cancer and other diseases. Similar to reverse transcriptase.

Research published in Minutes of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Describes the first-ever high-resolution three-dimensional structure of endogenous reverse transcriptase, especially human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) reverse transcriptase (RT). Past studies have shown that a significant portion of the human genome is composed of repetitive elements that are relics of past viral infections associated with a variety of serious diseases, including cancer.

Studies show that this structure provides therapeutic opportunities for RT inhibitors (HIV infection or AIDS, as well as antiretroviral drugs used to treat hepatitis B) in cancer, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases. increase.

“This study represents an important step forward in our understanding of endogenous retroviruses and how they are targeted to treat disease,” said the Ratgars Center for Advanced Biotechnology Medicine. ROME Therapeutics, a resident faculty member of (CABM) and a biotechnology company.

“Characterizing the structure of HIVRT was an important turning point in designing new drugs to combat the deadly virus,” said Rutgers, a prominent professor and board professor of chemistry and chemical biology. Arnold says. “Similarly, deeper insights into human endogenous RT may pave the way for new classes of treatment for cancer and other serious illnesses.”

Previous studies have shown that repetitive elements in the genome, such as HERV-K, are frequently overexpressed in cancer and induce biological viral mimicry reactions that can alter the tumor microenvironment.

The study is a biotechnology company that aims to develop new therapies for cancer and autoimmune diseases by studying the dark genome, which is a vast range of unknown genetic material that makes up more than 60% of the human genome. Co-authored by a ROME Therapeutics researcher. -For drug development.

“In this publication, we first describe the crystal structure of an endogenous reverse transcriptase known as HERV-K RT and show that it has significant similarities to the well-known HIV reverse transcriptase as an easy-to-use drug target. I am. ” ROME Chief Scientific Officer Dennis Zara. “This achievement is a milestone in the field of the dark genome, highlighting the opportunity for structure-based drug design based on established antiviral targets present in the human genome. This work is ROME’s preeminent task. The result of a great collaboration between structural biology teams, and the world’s leading crystallists. “

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material Provided by Rutgers University.. Note: Content can be edited in style and length.




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