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Dementia and Depression: What’s the Relationship?

Dementia and Depression: What’s the Relationship?


Dementia is a decline in cognitive function that goes beyond the typical effects of aging. A person’s memory, attention, and ability to use language can all be affected.

Mood changes are often accompanied by dementia. Depression can begin when someone begins to lose memory, social ability, and ability to perform day-to-day tasks.

There may be another link between dementia and depression. If you experience depression early in your life, you may be at increased risk of developing dementia later.

Continue reading as you dig deeper into the relationship between depression and dementia.

According to the survey depression Linked to increased risk of dementia.. However, this investigation is still underway and needs further investigation. Let’s check the results of recent surveys.

A 2020 research We compared the risk of dementia in people with and without depression conducted in Sweden. The study found that people diagnosed with depression were at increased risk of developing dementia.

The risk of dementia appeared to be highest in the first year after the diagnosis of depression. After that, the risk decreased rapidly over time. However, it is still rising more than 20 years after the diagnosis of depression.

Researchers involved in 2019 study We also found a link between depression and dementia. The study included 11,472 older people across Latin America, 26% of whom had depression or symptoms of depression.

In this group, both depression and symptoms of depression were found to be associated with an increased risk of dementia. However, this study did not take into account the fact that depression may also be a symptom of dementia.

A 2021 study Statistical modeling was used to examine the effects of depressive symptoms on cognition in four groups of people between the ages of 20 and 89.The purpose of this study is to treat depressive symptoms at various stages of life. Cognitive dysfunction..

Researchers have found that increased depressive symptoms in early adulthood (20-49 years) and later (70-89 years) are associated with a faster rate of cognitive impairment and cognitive decline in later years. did.

The effects of dementia can have a significant impact on the mood and emotions of those who try to cope with cognitive changes.This is depression Symptoms of dementia..

Depression as a symptom of dementia is not uncommon. In the 2015 review, Up to 40 percent Many people with dementia can experience depression.

Many dementia symptoms also overlap with the following symptoms of depression:

  • I have problems with memory and concentration
  • Depressed, depressed, helpless
  • Previously lost interest in fun activities
  • Isolate yourself from others

Depression can be difficult to diagnose in people with dementia because the symptoms overlap so much.

A 2019 research review Keep in mind that elderly people with symptoms of depression, especially those with Alzheimer’s disease, do not always meet the classical diagnostic criteria. Major depression..

Treatment of depression People with dementia can be complicated. People with dementia often have difficulty remembering and focusing on things, which can make talk therapy difficult. However, this can benefit some people.

A 2019 research review Antidepressants suggest that they are often ineffective in treating depression Alzheimer’s disease..

Common antidepressants are:

When doctors prescribe antidepressants to people with dementia, they need to monitor them carefully. This is because it can be difficult to observe the effects of psychiatric drugs in people with dementia.

Lifestyle changes can be difficult for people with dementia, but friends, family, and caregivers can help. Here are some examples of constructive lifestyle changes:

  • continue Stay active
  • Maintain social involvement and avoid quarantine
  • Try ways to relax and relieve stress yoga Also meditation
  • Contact support networks such as friends and loved ones

Currently, there is no cure for dementia. However, managing this condition can help improve quality of life.

medicine Known as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors can slow the progression of dementia.

Support for loved ones and caregivers is also essential. The ways you can help include:

  • Helps maintain individual independence as much as possible
  • Help with daily activities and personal care
  • Encouraging activities that provide mental and social stimuli
  • Manage mood, behavior, and sleep symptoms associated with dementia
  • Management of other health conditions and treatments

Symptoms of dementia and depression, whether they occur separately or together, need to be assessed by a health care professional. Here are some signs that it’s time to look for care.

Symptoms of dementia

Symptoms of dementia vary from person to person.They may look subtle at first before they become more noticeable Over time.. Please be careful:

  • Increased oblivion. This includes:
    • Forget where to put things
    • Difficult to remember events and people’s names
    • Get lost in a familiar place
  • Problems related to decision making or problem solving
  • Difficult to talk and express thoughts
  • Difficulty in daily work and need help
  • Mood changes. This includes depression, anxiety and agitation.
  • Movement and balance issues

Symptoms of depression

Symptoms of depression affect people almost every day At least 2 weeks.. You can include them:

  • Persistently depressed mood
  • Pessimistic, helpless, or helpless
  • Excitement or restlessness
  • Loss of interest in activities that usually bring happiness
  • Low energy level
  • Sleep changes such as too much or too little sleep
  • Problems with concentration, memory, or decision making
  • Extreme dietary changes that can lead to significant weight loss or weight gain
  • Thoughts of death and suicide

Dementia and depression are inextricably linked. Some studies suggest that getting depressed early in your life is a risk factor for developing dementia later.

Depression is also a symptom of dementia, especially in the early stages of dementia. However, it can be difficult to diagnose depression in some people with dementia because of the many overlaps between the symptoms of the two conditions.

People with symptoms of dementia or depression, whether they occur separately or together, should be evaluated by a medical professional. Prompt and early treatment helps improve quality of life.




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