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Covid-19 Vaccine: What to Consider for Children Under 5 Years Old?

Covid-19 Vaccine: What to Consider for Children Under 5 Years Old?


Where can parents get vaccines for their children? Which should they choose? What side effects are expected and how should I treat them? Can the Covid-19 vaccine be given with other pediatric immunity? And how long should kids who just had Covid-19 wait before being shot?

To answer these questions, I spoke with CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Linawen, an emergency doctor and professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health. She also said,Lifeline: Doctor’s Journey in the Battle for Public Health“And the mother of two children under the age of five.

The following conversation has been lightly edited for length and clarity.

CNN: Let’s start with your family. You are 4 and 2 years old. Have you been vaccinated yet?

Dr. AS Liana Wen: Yes!I called the pediatrician’s office As soon as the FDA approved the vaccine, I informed them that I wanted the children to be vaccinated as soon as possible. The earliest appointment was last Monday, about a week after children in the 6-month to 5-year-old age group first started taking pictures.

CNN: How was it?

Wen: It was no different from booking any other vaccine. My children are accustomed to immunizing their children. They entered the office. I checked in and signed some forms, and they got their shots from the nurse. There were no tears. Both kids were very excited about their colorful band-aid.

Elmo is currently vaccinated with Covid-19

On the other hand, I was very impressed. My daughter was born in April 2020. The pandemic was just beginning, little was known, and our lives were full of horror. My son has caused a great deal of confusion in his life because of Covid-19, including school closures and the inability to play dates.

Our family has been waiting for this moment for a very long time. It’s been a long time since adults started vaccination for more than a year and a half. My kids are now very relieved to get the same level of extraordinary protection that anyone over the age of 5 can do.

CNN: Which vaccine did you choose?

Wen: My kids got the Moderna vaccine. That’s what our pediatrician’s office currently has.

I understand why parents with choices make either decision. The Moderna vaccine is two doses compared to three doses of Pfizer, and many parents may prefer to redo the entire series quickly. The Pfizer vaccine has been inoculated to people over the age of 5 since November last year. Preliminary research has also shown that Pfizer may have mild side effects due to its low dose. Some parents may prefer it because it has a long track record and may have few side effects. Both vaccines are safe and effective, and I think many parents will do the same as I do and choose the one that is most convenient.

CNN: Where should parents get the vaccine if the pediatrician’s clinic doesn’t provide the vaccine?

The FDA has approved the Covid-19 vaccine for children under the age of five. What should parents know?

Wen: I still call the pediatrician’s office for advice. They may have a list of local pharmacies to inoculate young children. Check in advance as most pharmacies are likely not equipped to vaccinate very young children. Therefore, it is important to know in advance which one will be vaccinated. When making a call, please tell us the exact age of your child. Some pharmacies may adopt additional age limits, such as vaccinations, only for people over the age of three.

Federal website,, Is also a great resource. You may also consider calling your local city or state health department, as there may be a temporary vaccine clinic.

CNN: What side effects are expected, and what can parents use to treat their children?

Wen: Types of side effects Similar to that found in many other routine pediatric immunity. Children can have arm pain and redness at the injection site. They may have a fever or be noisy and grumpy. These symptoms are generally mild and resolve in a day or two. Many kids have no side effects-my kids didn’t.

CDC does not recommend premedication. This means that children should not be given Tylenol or ibuprofen prior to vaccination in anticipation of possible side effects. However, if your child has a fever, you should ensure that you are given a dose of Tylenol or ibuprofen that is appropriate for your age and weight.

CNN: Can the Covid-19 vaccine be given with other pediatric immunity?

Wen: Yes, the CDC states that the Covid-19 vaccine can be co-administered by co-administering it with other pediatric immunizations. A different injection site will be used. For example, Covid-19 is shot with one leg and another vaccine is shot with the other leg.

It is very important that children have the latest information on other immunizations in order to prevent other infectious diseases. Always check with your pediatrician to see if you have any plans for other shots.

CNN: Should parents choose a specific day of the week to vaccinate?

Children also have longer Covids and can appear in unexpected ways

Wen: Most children do not have such serious symptoms that they cannot go to school. However, understand that you may feel moody or tired and plan for the day after vaccination. Do you have a preliminary parenting plan if they need to be at home from school?

CNN: How long do children who have just been infected with Covid-19 need to wait before being fired?

Wen: CDC says It is safe to vaccinate after the symptoms have disappeared and the post-infection quarantine period has expired. Authorities also say it may be wise to wait three months after the recent infection.

I think this is good advice. Recovery from recent infections provides some protection for about 2-3 months. I think it makes sense to wait a few months after a recent infection before starting a vaccine series, but infection alone does not provide as strong and long-term protection as hybrid immunity from infection and vaccination. be careful. The CDC recommends that children be vaccinated even if they are infected.

CNN: I’m not sure, what about parents who want to wait and see?

Wen: All parents and guardians want to do their best for their children. Many parents are very enthusiastic about vaccination of their children. I’m definitely in the camp and I’m with a lot of doctor moms I know.

Other parents may want to wait and see the experience of the person who wants to go first. I encourage families on the fence to talk to their pediatricians and also recommend consulting with trusted professional organizations such as the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics.




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