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“This is … terrible, and you don’t want it.”: One of the monkeypox patients in LA County opens about his trials.

“This is … terrible, and you don’t want it.”: One of the monkeypox patients in LA County opens about his trials.


As the number of monkeypox cases increases in the United States, one of the actors spending time between West Hollywood and New York has advanced his own match against the disease.

Matt Ford, 30, published his story, lesions, and everything else. BuzzFeed Post It was called on Wednesday, “I have monkeypox — what this is and what you need to know.”

In short, he wrote, “This is … terrible, so you don’t want it.”

Ford learned that he was exposed to monkeypox on June 17th. He went to the doctor for a test on June 20, and three days later his positive test was confirmed by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

“During that time, my symptoms got worse,” Ford explained.

The number and intensity of his lesions became so great that he experienced not only “I couldn’t sleep one night” but also “severe flu-like symptoms: fever, general chills, night sweats, cough, sore throat”. did. , And swelling of the lymph nodes “for about a week.

“The pain was dull, terribly constant, and when I moved it in the wrong direction, the small spikes in sharp pain became fun … until I returned to the doctor and was prescribed a narcotic painkiller, it helped. It was only frequent bathing and ointments, and even those were reasonably good at managing pain, “Ford added.

The experience was unpleasant, but Ford still considers himself lucky.

“Some of the people I know have reported mild cases, but the exposed web I’m linking to had some serious symptoms,” he says. I wrote on Twitter..

According to the CDC, there are currently more than 300 confirmed cases of monkeypox in the United States.

Ford is calling out to educate others, especially as some of the co-communication in Los Angeles was in between. Gay and bisexual men..

“From the data, this now seems to be primarily affecting men in queer. It’s by no means a homosexual illness and can spread to anyone,” Ford told KTLA. “But at this point, we’re mostly affected, so we’re worried that it might help some stigma, as we’ve seen in other epidemics. Affecting strange men. That’s why I’m trying to raise my voice to fight the stigma and emphasize to everyone that it’s not shameful to get it. “

He also believes that public health authorities should do more to facilitate testing and encourage vaccines.

“If you can get vaccinated, especially if you think you are in demographics where you can be more easily exposed to it, go get vaccinated,” Ford said. “There is no reason to experience this. It is unnecessary and miserable.”




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