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Third COVID case in the county | Local News


Trinity County hosts a third confirmed case of COVID-19 for up to two weeks, although it will be marked in the Humboldt County record. According to Trinity County Health and Human Services, the public health branch was told on June 24 that residents of Humboldt County, known to be COVID-19, had been living there for two weeks.

“This individual has returned to Humboldt County and will be monitored by the Humboldt County Public Health Service,” said a statement on June 24. “Because this individual has lived in Trinity County for the past two weeks, TCPHB will conduct contact tracing for potential exposure of Trinity County residents.”

At a streaming press conference on June 25, County Public Health Commissioner Marci Jo Cudziol said health officials in Trinity County would monitor the case and quarantine known contact with the subject.

At a streaming press conference on June 25, emergency services manager Ed Prestry County Court read the latest data from the California Health and Welfare Services open data portal, confirming 195,571 state confirmed COVID-19 cases Was reported.

“This is an increase of 5,349 in the last 24 hours,” he said. The death toll in California is 5,733. This is a 101 increase over the last 24 hours. “

He said there were 3.6 million tests across the state.

“Hospital data is what we actually track to see how the coronavirus is changing our daily lives,” he said. “Currently, there are positive reactions in the hospital and there are 4,240 people,” he said. “This is an increase of 145 in the last 24 hours. In the intensive care unit, there were 1,360 people and 38 in the last 24 hours.”

“Some people insist on being positive. [numbers] It’s because of the increased number of tests,” said Presley. “But we warn everyone that the increase in these test numbers is actually an accurate view of what already exists and will help us determine how we move about this pandemic. Please move forward all the time.”

County Public Health Commissioner Marci Jo Cudziol began by noting that the county had 748 tests and resolved 732 negative results and 2 positive cases.

“During the period of infection, it is very difficult to determine when these positive individuals wore masks in public, and how many individuals or individuals they visited with their masks off. She said. “Equally problematic is a large group of people who are in close contact without covering their faces, which may have been exposed.”

Kudiol encouraged everyone in the state to use face covers when in close contact with others.

“Face cover is biology, not politics,” she said. “The fundamental evolutionary paradigm of every organism is survival and reproduction. The SARS COVID 2 virus is no exception.”

She said vaccines are important for the development of immunity in the community, as little is known about the level of antibodies needed to fight subsequent infections and how long the immunity lasts.

Cudziol pointed out that the current local tests are “point in time”. In other words, at that point we are identifying the active virus in humans. She said continuous testing is essential to learn more about the virus.

Kudiol also opposed the idea that the virus may already be endemic in Trinity County, and immunity of the local herd may already be realized.

“This scenario is very unlikely,” she said. “This is partly due to the early implementation of home orders and the poor introduction of the virus in Trinity County during the winter months of November-February.”

Regarding the question of whether the virus would carry out that course to accelerate collective immunity, Kudiol said experts said the strategy did not often bode well for the county.

“This is essentially waiting for the virus to help us, and that’s a very bad idea,” she said, and that preventing even a single COVID death in Trinity County is her. He added that it was the mission of the department.

“Give yourself a face that covers your face in public,” she said slowly, emphasizing all the words. “Keep a social distance of at least 6 feet. Get information from public health professionals. Remember to wash your hands often and take tests.”

HHS wants to remind the public that tests are available to adults in the county.

The following information can be found on the county’s website, Along with procedures such as how to register for the test and the test process.

If you do not have online access, or if you need assistance completing the registration process, please contact Mobile Testing Trinity County PHB Helpline at 623-8235. We hope that someone will return your phone within 24 hours to help you complete registration and schedule your booking.

► Thursday 2nd July, 8am-11:45pm, Trinity Alps Performing Arts Center, 101 Arbuckle Court, Weaverville;

► Trinity Alps Performing Arts Center in Arbuckle Court 101, Weaverville, Thursday, July 9th, 8am-11:45am.

► Friday, July 10th, 9am to 2pm, Trinity County Fairgrounds, 6000 Highway 3, Hayfork.

THHS urges residents to take precautions to reduce the spread of COVID by hand washing and being inspected at home when ill.

“I would like to emphasize the use of face covers that is required by the governor’s office, but always wear it if you can’t be socially separated from others (at least 6 feet or more),” said the release. States.

The California Department of Health released the latest statistics on COVID-19 on Tuesday. California’s positive rate-a key indicator of community spread-has been on a moderate uptrend on a 14-day average. The hospitalization rate is also rising on average for 14 days. To date, 222,917 confirmed cases have been confirmed in California. The numbers may not represent actual day-to-day changes, as test result reporting may be delayed. 4,167,139 tests have been conducted in California. As test capabilities continue to grow across the state, the number of positive cases is expected to increase, and the positive rate is becoming more important for finding signs of community expansion. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 5,980 COVID-19s have died.

As testing capacity continues to increase across the state, the California Department of Health is working to expand access to COVID-19 testing. The test should be used in the medical assessment of people with COVID-19 symptoms and in efforts by public health agencies and key employers to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19. Individuals prioritized for testing include:

► hospitalized patients;

► Asymptomatic and asymptomatic health care workers, first aid, and other social services employees.

► Individuals with symptoms over the age of 65 or those with symptoms of an age with a chronic medical condition that increase the risk of severe COVID-19 disease.

► Individuals who have been tested as part of disease control in a high risk environment.

► Asymptomatic residents and employees of collective living facilities as necessary to prevent transmission of the disease.

► Symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals in essential occupations such as grocery stores and food supply workers, utility workers, and civil servants.

► Other individuals with symptoms consistent with COVID-19.

As of June 29, 4,167,139 tests were conducted in California and reported to the California Public Health Service. This represents an increase of 105,447 tests over the previous 24-hour reporting period. These numbers include data from Quest, Labcorp, Kaiser, commercial, private, and academic laboratories, including the University of California and Stanford, and the 25 state and county health laboratories currently testing. .. The ministry now reports all tests reported in California, not the total number of individuals tested.

The difference in health outcomes associated with COVID-19 is most pronounced in COVID-19 deaths. Authorities have almost complete data on the race and ethnicity of COVID-19 deaths, and we see the following trends: Overall, Latin Americans, African Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders die disproportionately high for adults over 18 years of age. The death rate of COVID-19 in blacks is more than 1.5 times the population in all adult age categories.

Everyone has a role to play. Protecting yourself and your family results in common sense:

► Stay at home when using an approved business, except for basic needs/activities in accordance with local and state public health guidelines. To the extent that such sectors are reopened, Californians may work away from their homes, patronize, or otherwise engage in their businesses, facilities or activities.

► Social distance practice.

► Wear a cloth face mask when going out.

► Wash your hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds.

► Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your unwashed hands.

► Cover your cough and sneeze with a sleeve or disposable tissue. Then wash your hands.

► Avoid close contact with sick people.

► If you become ill with respiratory symptoms such as fever or cough, stay away from work, school, or others.

► If a contact tracer from the CA COVID team or your local health department attempts to connect, answer the call. Contact Tracer connects to free confidential tests and other resources as needed.

► Follow guidance from public health authorities.

Call in advance: If you have any COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath), please contact your health care provider before you seek medical help so that appropriate precautions can be taken. We also offer free confidential tests on over 100 community test sites. Find the COVID-19 test site.

For more information on what Californians can do to prevent the spread of COVID-19, visit

According to Johns Hopkins University, these are the counts of counties around Trinity as of Tuesday compared to last week.

In Trinity County, there are two confirmed cases of COVID-19.

In Humboldt County, there were 129 confirmed cases, an increase of 19 since last week, with 4 deaths and an increase of 1 from last week.

In Tehama County, there are 62 confirmed cases and 28 deaths, up 28 from last week.

In Siskew County, there were 27 confirmed cases, up 4 from last week, and zero deaths.

There were 50 confirmed cases in Del Norte County, an increase of 2 cases from last week and 1 death.

There were 54 confirmed cases in Mendocino County, an increase of 16 cases from last week and zero deaths.

In Glen County, 87 people were confirmed, an increase of 45 from last week and zero deaths.

There are 105 confirmed cases in Shasta County, an increase of 21 from last week and 4 deaths.

In Butte County, 143 cases were confirmed, an increase of 49 from last week, an increase of 1 from last week, and 2 deaths.

There have been 17 confirmed cases in Corsa County, an increase of 10 from last week and no deaths.

In Lake County, 51 cases have been confirmed, 16 cases more than last week, and there are no deaths.

At present, 220 cases have been confirmed in Lassen County, an increase of 209 cases from last week, and there are no deaths. According to Plumas News, an outbreak in Susanville prison affected 160 prisoners as of June 26.

There are no confirmed cases yet in Moddock County.

Total: 947 confirmed cases, an increase of 419 cases from last week. It increased by 2 from last week and 12 people died.


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