Monkeypox: Planning events and mass gatherings
The purpose of this document is to provide public health principles to consider when planning festivals and other events during the current monkeypox outbreak.
This guidance was created for local governments, public health, and event organizers. It should be used as a guide to ensure that appropriate measures have been taken to protect public health.
This document is Principles of monkeypox management in the UK..
Main message
Event organizers must ensure that information about the safe behavior of participants is available and that they have plans to safely manage suspicious cases and their contacts.
Event contact should reinforce the message that the following individuals must not attend the event:
- People who are positive for monkeypox and are currently in quarantine
- People with symptoms compatible with monkeypox
- They are High-risk or medium-risk (category 3 or 2) contacts Advised to avoid self-isolation or contact with people at high risk of serious illness (infants, pregnant or immunosuppressed)
Monkeypox is a rare viral infection, but recent cases have occurred in the United Kingdom and around the world.Current Confirmed, possible, possible case definition It is available.
Universal Background information Monkeypox is also available.
Monkeypox Infection mainly spreads Between people through direct (skin-to-skin) contact, including sexual contact, or intimate contact through particles containing the monkeypox virus. Infection can also spread through contaminated surfaces and objects such as linen and soft furniture.
Current outbreaks are predominantly spread through direct skin-to-skin contact.
Monkeypox infections are usually self-limited and most people recover within a few weeks. However, severe illness can occur in pregnant or immunosuppressed infants and individuals.
Although the overall risk to the UK population is low, gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men are at increased risk of developing monkeypox in this current outbreak.
Congestion and migration of participants during the event can lead to close and long-term contact between people and can create opportunities for monkeypox to spread to a large number of contacts. Some events may include close contact, such as sexual contact involved in the current spread of the monkeypox virus.
Therefore, when assessing the risk of monkeypox transmission, the size, nature, and audience of the event should be taken into account.
Important considerations for minimizing the risk of monkeypox infection
1. Event organizer
Event organizers and event medical services (EMS) should do it:
- Make sure they are aware Symptoms Related to monkeypox and familiar with the present guidance
- Local Government, UK Health and Security Agency (UKHSA) Health protection team (HPT) And NHS agree on roles and responsibilities
- Make sure that plans are in place to safely manage and isolate potential or potential cases of monkeypox and contacts that may be identified during the course of the event.This should include an agreement on whether there is a dedicated place for the symptomatic person to report, or if attendees need to be advised to call NHS111.
- Make sure you have a system in place to notify you of possible and possible cases of monkeypox UKHSA
- Please make sure it is correct Personal protective equipment Available to staff who may come into contact with possible cases
- Provide clear communication about safe behavior to event attendees and staff to reduce the risk of exposure to monkeypox (See Section 3)
- Make sure that your plans for waste management and decontamination practices are in place according to best practices. Cleaning to reduce environmental risks in a community environment Can be achieved effectively without the use of professional services and equipment
2. Local government
Local governments cooperating with HPT should do it:
- Identify local events that may increase your risk of monkeypox infection by considering the following:
- Event size and type
- Probably attendees
- Current epidemiology
- Evidence of risk factors for monkeypox infection
- In cooperation with the event organizer EMS The NHS confirms that plans are in place for rapid clinical management and notification of potential and potential cases.
- I agree in advance with the roles and responsibilities of all partners.Consider creating a case and contact management flow chart that is prepared to respond in-time and after-hours.
- Make sure you have a system in place that supports monitoring, contact tracking, and monkeypox notification through an established system. This includes asking the event organizer to create a list of attendees, if necessary.
- Keep event organizers and the general public up-to-date with information about the monkeypox situation in the area, including outbreaks in the area.
- Monitor and address rumors and false information about monkeypox via social media and other channels
3. Public engagement and communication
Event organizers should work with local governments to provide participants with information on symptoms and safe behavior, such as:
- Hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
- Advice on safe sexual behavior, such as reducing the number of sexual partners, asking new partners about sexual health, refraining from sharing sex toys and keeping them clean.
- Promote the use of condoms with the message that they cannot provide complete protection against monkeypox infection during sexual contact
Information should be communicated through posters, event websites or apps, social media, and other channels suitable for viewers. Communication needs to take into account the type of event and the potential of attendees to ensure the target of the message.
Messaging needs to establish a common understanding of the expectations and behaviors of everyone involved in the event, including attendees and employees.
Event contact should reinforce the message that the following individuals must not attend the event:
- People who are positive for monkeypox and are currently in quarantine
- People with symptoms compatible with monkeypox
- Self-isolate or avoid contact with people who are said to be high-risk or medium-risk (category 3 or 2) contact and who are at high risk of serious illness (infants, pregnant or immunosuppressed) The person who was advised by
4. Prevention and management of infection
Event organizers and local governments need to ensure that appropriate infection prevention and control measures are in place to reduce the risk of monkeypox transmission. This includes:
- Reminders for staff and event attendees on hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, and cough etiquette, including prominent regional posters
- Regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces that are frequently touched in common places such as toilets and door handles. Cleaning can be done effectively without the use of professional services or equipment, and the risk of infection can be reduced by following standard cleaning and disinfection-based cleaning methods.
- Make sure it’s correct Personal protective equipment Available to potential cases and staff in contact with possible cases, along with advice on how to use it correctly
- Guarantees safe waste management.Waste management and decontamination practices should follow normal practices and be based on all available evidence of safe handling under current law.
5. Management of suspicious cases
Event organizer must agree EMS Who is responsible for investigating suspicious cases and ensuring that they are properly equipped to carry out this?
Following clinical examination and medical history, suspicious cases Discussed with a local infectious disease clinician (Infectious disease, microbiology, virology, or genitourinary medicine as needed) Agree to test and further management of suspicious cases.
Every effort must be made to safely transport suspicious cases from the field, but maintain quarantine while waiting for and during transport.
Appropriate isolation facilities and welfare checks should be provided for clinically stable and suspicious cases that cannot leave the field.
6. Contact management
Individual identified as Category 3 (high risk) Provide appropriate advice to your contacts Safely leave the event.. As agreed in the event plan, the contact must notify the local HPT.
You should provide your contacts with the following numbers in case you need more information or advice:
- NHS111 service for medical advice
- UKHSA Monkeypox helpline (non-clinical inquiries for the general public) – 0333 2423672. This service is available Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 1 pm.
7. Post-event monitoring
With local government HPT Consider working with the event organizer to develop a process to monitor festival-related cases that may occur after the event, given the incubation period of monkeypox and the geographical distribution of festival participants. is needed.
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