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Fourth dose in Ontario: Most adults under the age of 60 cannot take a single dose, but doctors want to change that.

Fourth dose in Ontario: Most adults under the age of 60 cannot take a single dose, but doctors want to change that.


Ontario has not yet allowed most adults under the age of 60 to throw a fourth shot put of the COVID-19 vaccine, confronting the United States and Quebec and preparing legal action to expand the state1 I am urging other doctors.

In the face of a demonstrated weakening of the ability of the mRNA vaccine to prevent infection 3-4 months after injection, Currently the dominant BA.5 Omicron variant, Regular Ontario residents who are not currently eligible for a fourth dose, especially healthcare professionals, are seeking the opportunity to take another shot.

Dr. Niri Kaplan Mars, Ottawa’s family doctor, says he registered 730 people last week to come to her office for a fourth dose of COVID-19.

“But unless I got a call from the Ottawa Public Health Department on Friday and lived in an indigenous, immunocompromised, or mass environment, the Ministry of Health instructed me not to expand my fourth dose eligibility, so I canceled it. I had to, “Kaplan-Mars told CP24.

She said many of her patients were traveling to Quebec. You can get the 4th shot As long as 3 months have passed since the last month.

In a letter sent to the Ford government this week, she begged the state to lower her age qualifications to under 60.

“People will receive COVID-19 a couple of times. Many of our patients work in the community, have children and were vaccinated on December or January 1. Until October.” She said.

In October, Canada’s Chief Health Officer and the National Advisory Board on Immunization Tell the state Launch a booster dose campaign ahead of the expected wave of COVID-19 infection.

Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table Dr. Fahadrazak said CP24 has evidence to support immediate expansion of vaccine eligibility, but there is also plenty of evidence to suggest that the state should wait until the fall.

“I understand and respect both voices here, but I really believe we are in an era of scientific uncertainty.”

He said authorities would analyze trends suggesting a recent increase in COVID-19 infections in Ontario and determine the optimal time to make a fourth dose available to all adults. He said he was likely to be waiting.

“Protections need to be adjusted when cases are most prevalent. Ideally, we wouldn’t be vaccinated with additional vaccines for 3-6 months, and next-generation vaccines will be available in the fall. Basically it’s already July, “he said.

If Ontario does not expand its eligibility, Kaplan Mars said she and her lawyer, Mark Borry, will file a complaint with the Ontario Court of Human Rights this week.

“It’s strange to waste something like this. People in Ontario are already paying for something like this,” Bourrie told CP24. “It is shameful to detain people and waste taxpayer money in proceedings when there is such a wise alternative.”

Since December 2020, Ontario has received 2.4 million more doses of COVID-19 than the dose.

It is not clear how many of these doses are feasible, but most states had more doses than could be used and instructed the federal government to stop returning vaccines in 2021. did.

CP24 has repeatedly asked the Ontario Department of Health how many of these 2.4 million doses were wasted during administration or expired in the freezer in the last 6 months. ..

Every time, the ministry refused to answer.

“There seems to be no reporter who can tell how many vaccine vials are there with the July expiration date,” Kaplan-Myrth said.

The Ministry of Health did not say whether there were plans to expand the eligibility of the COVID-19 vaccine with a fourth dose, but Prime Minister Dougford told reporters Thursday morning: increase. For a while. “

Dr. Doris Grinspan, CEO of the Ontario Registered Nurses Association, has little time to wait.

“Nurses are asking us, they want a fourth booster, and they don’t want it to be age-based,” she said. “We need to open it before we can get into this situation where more people are infected.”

So far, Ontario nurses are driving to Michigan, New York, or Quebec for the fourth dose.

“It’s terrible-the number of people who can go to Quebec and Michigan-it’s terrible for them and terrible for patients, that’s why it needs to be open.”

Kaplan-Myrth says there are more than 80 patients and other supporters behind efforts to expand eligibility.

Some are immunocompromised, some work in healthcare, and some are in an important face-to-face workplace where they meet hundreds of people a day.

If the data are better and clearer, Razak says that all jurisdictions in the world with stockpiles will rush to give everyone a fourth dose.

“Suppose there was a definitive New England Journal of Medicine paper on the benefits of a fourth dose. We all do it right away.”

In the meantime, Mr. Razak said the general public needs to confirm all doses of the COVID-19 vaccine eligible today, mask them in indoor spaces, and hold rallies outdoors.

“All of this gives you protection regardless of the status of the vaccine.”




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