Pollutants in the soil can harm your heart
It is widely known that polluted air can be harmful to human health, but another danger may lie at your feet.
According to new research, soil may also contain contaminants that can affect health.These include: Pesticides When Heavy metal..
In this study, scientists found that contaminated soil Cardiovascular system..
“Soil pollution is an invisible danger Human health “More than dirty air,” said Thomas Münzel, research author at the University of Mainz Medical Center in Germany. Cardiovascular health Through many mechanisms, such as inflammation and the body’s natural clock disturbance. “
Studies show that about 9 million people die each year from water, air and soil pollution, and 60% of pollution-related deaths are from cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease, heart attacks, strokes and heart rhythm disorders. is.
The authors found that the contaminated soil Cardiovascular disease By increasing oxidative stress in Blood vesselsCreates more “bad” free radicals and less “good” antioxidants.It can also cause irritation and confuse Circadian rhythm..
Workers in the agricultural and chemical industries are increasing their exposure, while the general public can ingest pesticides from contaminated food, soil and water.
People can inhale desert dust, fertilizer crystals, and plastic particles. The authors cited an increase in heart attacks in Japan due to desert dust moving far away from China and Mongolia.
Heavy metals such as cadmium and lead, plastics and organic toxins can also be eaten, including food. Soil pollutants can also flow into rivers and be consumed through dirty water.
“Soil pollution Heavy metal The association with cardiovascular disease is particularly problematic and Middle income country Their population is disproportionately exposed to these environmental pollutants, and the growing globalization of the food supply chain and the uptake of these heavy metals by fruits, vegetables and meat has become a problem for any country in the world. “Masu,” the author writes.
Cadmium is a heavy metal. It occurs naturally in small quantities in air, water, soil, and food, but it is also produced by industrial and agricultural resources. Studies have shown different results on the effects of cadmium on the cardiovascular system, but recent Korean studies show that middle-aged Koreans with high levels of cadmium in their blood are at risk of stroke and high blood pressure. It has been shown to be high.
lead Is a naturally occurring toxic metal with environmental pollution from mining, smelting, manufacturing and recycling.High blood lead levels are associated with cardiovascular disease, including: Heart disease, heart attack Stroke in women and diabetics.
Exposure to arsenic, which can increase levels by irrigating crops with industrial processes and contaminated water, may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, the researchers said.
The findings were published in the journal on July 1st. Cardiovascular study..
“We are rarely exposed to just one toxic substance, so more research is needed on the combined effects of multiple soil pollutants on cardiovascular disease,” Münzel said in a news release in the journal. “Until we know more, wear face masks to limit exposure to wind-blown dust, filter water to remove contaminants, and buy food grown in healthy soil. Seems to be wise. ”
Environmental Pollution Center has more details Soil contamination..
Copyright © 2022 HealthDay.. all rights reserved.
Quote: Pollutants in the soil can harm your heart (4 July 2022) 4 July 2022 Obtained from heart.html
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