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Male dogs are more likely to develop infectious nasal cancer by sniffing the genitals of other dogs

Male dogs are more likely to develop infectious nasal cancer by sniffing the genitals of other dogs


Normally, we don’t think of cancer as an infectious disease, but what if we say that there is a contagious cancer that is thousands of years old? However, this cancer is not caused by the transmission of the virus.these are cancer cell It can be Physically inherited Between dogs.

In us New research We found that male dogs are four to five times more likely to infect mouth and nose shapes than female dogs. Transmissible genital tumors in dogs (CTVT). Cancer cells pass between dogs by sniffing the genitals of other dogs.

Credit: Emma Werner

CTVT primarily affects the genital area, leading to the formation of unsightly tumors, which are usually inherited. Mating .. CTVT cells can affect other areas such as the nose, mouth, and skin. CTVT Common illness Affecting thousands of dogs on all continents, mouth and nose versions are rare. When one dog sniffs the CTVT-infected genitals of another dog, a tumor in the mouth and nose is transmitted.

In a database of nearly 2,000 CTVT cases, only 32 of these affected the nose or mouth. On the other hand, 84% of dogs with the shape of the nose or mouth were male.

This survey Infectious Cancer GroupUniversity of Cambridge, led by Professor Elizabeth Murchison.

Behavioral differences between genders can contribute to this risk. for example, Male dog It seems that she prefers to sniff and lick female genitals, Compared to the opposite.. More exposed female genital tumors may be more accessible to sniff and lick than male genital tumors, which are often hidden in pods.

Ancient cancer

The most common symptoms of the facial version of cancer are sneezing, snoring, difficulty breathing, deformed nose, or blood or other excretion from the nose or mouth. Treatment will restore the majority of dogs.

CTVT cells under a microscope.
Andrea Strakova, Provided by the author (without reuse)

This cancer breaks the mold in another way: CTVT is very old.It came from a living dog cell Thousands of years ago, And gave it to another dog.Genetic evidence is that it is probably Like husky Animals Central or North Asia.. Since then, living cancer cells have been flying from dog to dog like parasites. If you look at the current CTVT tumor cells under a microscope, you are actually looking at the cells of a dog that lived thousands of years ago. All current forms of CTVT can be traced back to the same ancient dog.

Global parasites

CTVT affects dog populations around the world, but in most cases Population of dogs roaming freely.. Although not established in the UK, cases have increased over the last decade, probably due to the growing popularity of adoption of rescue dogs. from overseas..

However, you need to be careful about CTVT Remains very rare in the UK.. With no dogs roaming freely, the chances of developing cancer in the UK are small.

A better health check of imported dogs will help in diagnosis and treatment before the case of CTVT spreads. Perceptions between veterinarians and owners can also help detect cases early.

Infectious cancer, Tasmanian devil Mollusks such as mussels and lajonkairia lajonii. We are unaware of the infectious cancers that may exist in humans.

CTVT is the oldest line of cancer known to scientists. It may also help you learn important information about how human cancer works. Some of the processes that stand out in CTVT because they are thousands of years old can also occur in undetected human cancers.




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