A simple experiment by doctors shows why you need to wear a coronavirus face mask – BGR
- Face mask experiments pinpoint why this particular personal protective equipment is an important tool for reducing the risk of coronavirus infection.
- One doctor performed the same test with and without a face mask to prove the number of microorganisms a person can excrete when sneezing, coughing, singing or speaking. ..
- Experiments have shown that face masks can significantly reduce virus exposure and minimize the risk of COVID-19 infection.
Each one can do three things to reduce the risk of catching a new coronavirus. It is a frequent washing of hands, avoid crowds, stick to the habit of keeping a social distance, and use a face mask every time you go out. Neither is perfect, and there is no 100% protection against infection. However, this combination may be sufficient to dramatically reduce the risk of transmission. Of all three measures, face masks have been the subject of much debate over the last few weeks. Rather than thank This simple tool that can potentially save lives, some people Ask for political motives Behind the obligation to use a mask. Face masks have turned into a political tool rather than an essential PPE that can prevent the spread of COVID-19. It’s not only the United States that gives face masks meaningless resistance, it’s movements found elsewhere.
Never deny it The science behind the face mask works And they can actually stop the spread of microorganisms. Incredible? The doctor went on and did a very simple experiment to prove how effective a face mask was in dealing with a pandemic.
“What does the mask do? Dr. Rich Davis posted a brief Twitter demonstration on Facebook that blocked respiratory spray from the mouth and throat.
He held the agar dish about a foot from his face, sneezing, singing, speaking, and coughing twice. He posted the results after he did the same while wearing a mask. Agar plates are used in microbiology to grow various cultures of pathogens. As Davis is the Director of the Clinical Microbiology Lab at the Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington, it’s clear that he’s in a position to know exactly how these petri dishes work.
Not surprisingly, as shown in the image below, the plate exposed to the bacteria expelled from the mouth of Davis grew significantly more bacteria. The agar plate protected by his mask clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the mask. With most of them, there are few visible traces of bacterial growth compared to plates exposed directly to Davis.
Bacteria, of course, are different from viruses, but the point is the same. Face masks can protect both the wearer and nearby people. Many studies proved How easy it is for water droplets to move through the air From sneezing, coughing, and regular speeches, and how they can transform into aerosols that carry the virus that remains in the air. Face masks can help reduce the risk of infection when sharing the same space with others, whether at work, in a grocery store, or anywhere.
Also, the fact that Davis kept the culture plate very close to his face highlights the importance of social distance. The closer you are to a person, the higher the risk of infection.
In the last few months of research, One infected person spread the virus to 52 others After a singing session from the same chorus that lasted less than 3 hours. Apart from this, Chinese contact tracers determined that members of the family had transmitted the virus to people. Sitting at three different tables In a restaurant setting that includes members of your family. Both of these examples come from times when the coronavirus threat was still underestimated or minimized. And, given the settings, people rarely wear face masks when eating or singing.
The Davis experiment should help explain to people how easy it is to spread bacteria and viruses around them and protect them from the same bacteria.
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