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Myrkl!How do new hangover tablets work and where can I buy them?

Myrkl!How do new hangover tablets work and where can I buy them?


Myrkl is a new supplement that claims to break down rapidly alcohol Allows people to enjoy some in the intestines before reaching the liver drink In the evening without feeling the effect of the next day.

So how does the hangover prevention pill work? Find everything you need to know below …

How Does Myrkl Anti-Hangover Pill Work?

Myrkl hangover pills contain bacteria, L-cysteine, and B12 that are activated in the intestines before alcohol reaches the liver.

Alcohol is then broken down into water and carbon dioxide, producing acetaldehyde and acetic acid in the liver.

According to Myrkl, up to 70% of alcohol is broken down after 60 minutes.

For maximum benefit, drinkers should take 2 tablets for at least 2 hours before consuming alcohol.

Myrkl said: “Dietary supplements are intended to supplement the diet and do not replace a variety of diets and healthy lifestyles.

“This product is intended to be used as part of a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle, and restricted alcohol consumption, within government guidelines.”

Myrkl also warns people not to use pills before heavy drinking.

Where can I buy Myrkl prophylaxis?

Myrkl anti-hangover pills can be purchased at A box of 30 tablets costs £ 30.

Tablets are currently in stock and usually ship within 24 hours.

What is a hangover?

Hangovers are commonly caused by dehydration, which includes headache, nausea, and dizziness.

Ethanol is the main cause of hangovers. Ethanol is a toxic chemical and a diuretic, so people need to pee more and eventually become dehydrated.

How to avoid a hangover

The NHS shares advice with drinkers on how to avoid a hangover.

  • Don’t drink more than you know you can deal with
  • Do not drink on an empty stomach
  • If you are sensitive to them, do not drink dark colored drinks
  • Drink water or non-sparkling soft drinks between each alcoholic beverage
  • Drink a pint of water before going to bed

How to treat a hangover

According to the NHS, there is no cure for a hangover, but there are several ways to relieve discomfort.

  • Hydrate before going to bed
  • Take painkillers to help with headaches
  • Eat sweet foods and take antacids to soothe your stomach
  • Eat bouillon soup, a good source of vitamins and minerals
  • Drink bland drinks like water or isotonic drinks
  • Do not drink any more, wait 48 hours and then drink again

What are the low risk guidelines for drinking?

It is advised not to drink more than 14 units on a regular basis, and those who drink 14 units a week should spread their drinking for at least 3 days.

The NHS states that this is considered low-risk drinking because there is no “safe” drinking level. Regular drinking of 14 units or more per week after 10 or 20 years can cause cancer, stroke, heart disease, liver disease, brain damage, and nervous system damage.

The NHS states that regular drinking at high risk levels can also be detrimental to mental health.




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