Coronavirus Spreads to Timbuktu Despite Its Remote Location
Timbuktu is SaharaHundreds of Coronavirus Cases of recent weeks where health authorities worry that the virus may spread to other remote areas where it may be infected Militant group..
Due to the lack of commercial flights to Timbuktu, the town’s name has long been synonymous with the end of the globe.
Health officials say the global pandemic managed to get there. There are already over 500 cases, including at least 9 deaths, making it the largest outbreak in Mali outside the metropolitan area.
At a local hospital, more than 30 COVID-19 patients were housed on Wednesday in a cluster of externally installed tents. There is no single ventilator available and the temperature constantly rises above 113 degrees Fahrenheit, adding to the misery of the patient when fighting fever.
COVID-19 first arrived in Mali in March. By April, the virus had traveled 620 miles from the capital city of Bamako, reaching Timbuktu for more than 24 hours.
The official death toll has reached 9, but at least six other people who died later have also tested positive.
So far, hospitals have had enough oxygen tanks to treat patients fighting COVID-19. However, it is still difficult to have enough nurses to manage it, especially as 32 patients are now sick and unable to recover from their homes.
Few medical professionals remain to treat patients with coronavirus that are puzzling doctors around the world. There are no radiologists reading chest x-rays, lung specialists with experience of respiratory illness, or doctors specializing in kidney problems, emerging as one of the major complications of COVID-19. ..
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“There are no public health doctors, not just epidemiologists,” said Ghibir-Kirsage, the director of regional health in Timbuktu.
When it comes to hiring more healthcare professionals, the location is not easy. The risk of violence remains high in the region, where Westerners have long been kidnapped by extremist groups for ransom. Regular UN peacekeeping patrols are a daily reminder of how unstable Northern Mali has been since Islamic extremists were forced to take power from it.
From the surrounding desert, militants continue to plant roadside bombs north, further increasing isolation. The mission of the United Nations is to carry out flights to and from Bamako and often transport COVID-19 tests from remote locations to the capital. If that was not possible, the local health authorities resorted to putting them on public buses.
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This month, the Ministry of Health in Mali sent a mobile lab to Timbuktu to allow the team to perform more than 100 tests per day.
Associated Press contributed to this report.
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