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How zoonotic pathogens have evolved over the years and how to prevent them

How zoonotic pathogens have evolved over the years and how to prevent them


WHO calls for urgent action against the epidemic of monkeypox in Europe
World Zoonotic Disease Day Observed on July 6th each year to commemorate the first vaccination against zoonotic diseases. It was this day in 1885 Louis pasteur The first rabies vaccine was given to humans. The patient was a 9-year-old shepherd boy — Joseph Meister — A person bitten by a rabies dog.

What is a zoonotic disease? How can it spread?

Zoonotosis is any disease that spreads from animals to humans and vice versa. Common examples are influenza, Ebola, and West Nile virus. Such illnesses are very common and Two-thirds of infectious diseases Originally from animals. According to the CDC, 60% of all existing infections are zoonotic, at least 70% of emerging infectious diseases are caused by animals, and 80% of potential bioterrorists are zoonotic. ..
Illness is caused by Harmful pathogens Like viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi, it can spread to humans and cause illness. Depending on the type of zoonotic disease, animals may carry bacteria while appearing healthy, and eventually people around them may become ill.
Due to the close interaction between animals and humans, zoonotic diseases Very easy to spreadIt is important to be aware of the different means of transfer.

Direct contact by stroking or touching animals, and direct contact by their bites or scratches, can be a way for someone to infect. Another way is to get in touch with the area where the animals lived, such as the water in the aquarium’s aquarium or the chicken coop. Food poisoning and water-borne problems can also cause infections.

Zoonotic diseases for many years

Zoonotic influenza, Or the animal influenza virus, which spreads from animals and infects humans, is also known for its infectivity. Avian influenza virus subtypes and swine flu virus subtypes that are prevalent in animals can cause infections in people. The disease can also spread to horses and dogs that carry a unique type of influenza virus. Normally, these zoonotic influenza human infections do not spread quickly among humans, but because humans have little development of immunity to fight the virus, they have built the ability to do so. If so, it could be the beginning of another pandemic.

Black death

The most well-known cases of zoonotic diseases are plague or Black death It devastated Europe between 1347 and 1351. It was responsible for killing more than any other known epidemic or war during that period. The disease was thought to have spread from rodents to humans by being bitten by infected fleas.


Another recent surge in viral zoonotic diseases Monkeypox.. It infects humans through close contact with infected people and animals, or substances contaminated with viruses. The first case of monkeypox in humans was confirmed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1970, but since then cases have occurred in several other African countries. However, in May 2022, several cases were reported in non-epidemic countries, which quickly became a source of alert. Monkeypox can be avoided by other hygiene methods, limiting contact with infected people and animals, disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, and wearing masks that cover the nose and mouth around others. While WHO labels monkeypox outbreak poses “Medium risk” The severity of the disease cannot be counted, as one death has been reported to the world in Nigeria.


Rabies Another well-known and well-feared zoonotic disease. Rabies is almost 100% deadly if someone shows its clinical symptoms. In most cases, domestic dogs are the cause of rabies virus transmission to humans. It can spread through bites or scratches, usually through saliva. Rabies is present on all continents except the Antarctic continent. However, due to the vaccine designed by Louis Pasteur, rabies deaths are rarely reported worldwide.
To find a solution to a horrifying and horrifying illness Pasteur Experiments were conducted with rabbits to transfer infectious pathogens from animal to animal. He dried the spinal cord of the infected animal to reduce the effects of the invisible drug, but later realized that instead of reducing the effects of the drug, his treatment actually neutralized it. rice field. Therefore, quite unknowingly, Pasteur has created a vaccine that saves the lives of so many people.


malaria Another example of zoonotic disease caused by the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito.According to the latest World Malaria ReportIn 2020, 241 million cases of malaria were reported, compared to 227 million in 2019. Malaria deaths in 2020 were 627,000. Four African countries account for almost half of the world’s malaria deaths. These include Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the United Republic of Tanzania, and Mozambique. However, it can reduce the global burden of this disease. In 2021, World Health Organization (WHO) We recommended the use of the RTS, S / AS01 (RTS, S) malaria vaccine for children living in areas with moderate to severe malaria infection.


latest COVID-19 Pandemic It is also called a zoonotic disease. This classification is premature, as animal reservoirs have not yet been found.Scientists are arguing whether Covid-19 is a zoonotic disease, but as of July 2022, Covid-19 is 6,364566 people Vaccination around the world and ensuring proper hygiene procedures can prevent the spread of Covid.

How can we control the spread of zoonotic diseases?

Here are some simple steps you can perform Preventing zoonotic diseases.. Some include washing your hands with and immediately after being around the animal. Even if no one is touching the animal, washing your hands will prevent the spread of bacteria.

It can also help prevent bites from mosquitoes, mites and fleas. Consuming clean drinking water and safely handling food purchased from outside can also reduce the spread of zoonotic diseases.




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