What You Need to Know About Vitamin D Overdose
Vitamin D Important for your bones, muscles and nerves, Immune systemmore.
But if you get too much, it can lead to a rare and perhaps serious condition called Vitamin D Toxicity. You may hear your doctor call it hypervitamin D.
This condition can cause symptoms such as weakness and vomiting. It can also affect the rhythm of the kidneys and heart.
Why this happens, possible warning signs, how to handle it, and what you can do to prevent it.
What Causes Vitamin D Toxicity?
Taking large amounts of vitamin D supplements is usually the cause of this condition.
Because foods that contain vitamin D are small, you are unlikely to get much from your diet. When exposed to sunlight, the skin also becomes D, but it is not toxic.
The dose at which vitamin D supplements become toxic is not clear. But it needs to be very high-much more than most doctors usually prescribe. Studies show that taking 60,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day for several months can cause toxicity.
If you’re on a trendy diet with high doses of D supplements, you may be more likely to get this condition.
This can also occur if the doctor takes the wrong amount of high-dose vitamin D supplements prescribed for health problems such as:
- Malabsorption (problems with getting nutrients from food)
- Renal osteodystrophy (skeletal disorders due to end-stage renal disease)
- osteoporosis
- psoriasis
Several reports describe cases of vitamin D toxicity caused by incorrect methods of manufacturing or prescribing vitamin D products. This includes milk that mistakenly has too much D.
If your doctor asks you to take a vitamin D supplement, check the appropriate dose and frequency of taking it. If you are taking high doses, your doctor will probably monitor your body’s vitamin D levels by giving you a blood test.
Most healthy people need only 400-800 IU of vitamin D per day, depending on their age and whether they are breastfeeding or pregnant.
What are the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity?
Excessive intake of vitamin D can cause calcium to accumulate in the blood and body. It can cause the following symptoms:
- Nausea or vomiting
- Weakness
- Fatigue and confusion
- Hypersensitivity
- constipation
- pain
- Anorexia
- dehydration
- Pee a lot with thirst
- Kidney stone
Very high levels of vitamin D can lead to:
- kidney failure
- arrhythmia
- death
How Do Doctors Diagnose Vitamin D Toxicity?
Your doctor will give you a physical examination and ask you about your symptoms.
They may have you take a test to check you:
- Vitamin D level
- Calcium levels in blood and urine
- The amount of phosphate in the blood (phosphate contains minerals RinThis helps to build strong bones)
Your doctor may also check your bones with an x-ray.
What is the cure for Vitamin D toxicity?
You will probably stop taking vitamin D supplements under the care of your doctor. They also limit the amount of calcium you get from food.
The doctor may need to hydrate intravenously (IV). You should also take medications such as steroids and bisphosphonates.
If you have renal failure, you may need a treatment called hemodialysis. This takes over the task of filtering water and waste products from the blood of your kidneys.
Most people with vitamin D toxicity recover without serious health complications and usually do not relapse.
How do you prevent the toxicity of Vitamin D?
If your doctor tells you to take vitamin D supplements, be sure to take the prescribed dose. And buy supplements only from trusted and licensed sources.Talk to your doctor or pharmacist or check your NSF List of Certified Dietary Supplements..
Many supplements that are a combination of vitamins contain vitamin D. If you’re taking any of these combo supplements, check the label to see how much D you’re getting.
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