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Utah studies have found that intermittent fasting may reduce the risk of dying from COVID-19

Utah studies have found that intermittent fasting may reduce the risk of dying from COVID-19


Intermountain Healthcare reports that many people who are intermittently accelerating are inadvertently protecting themselves.

(Trent Nelson | Salt Lake Tribune) Intermountain Medical Center in Murray on Friday, August 13, 2021. According to a new study, Intermountain Healthcare reports that many people who are intermittently protecting themselves are inadvertently protecting themselves.

As Utahns — practicing intermittent fasting Prescribed by Latter-day Saints — May unknowingly reduce the risk of being seriously affected by a COVID-19 infection. This is the conclusion of a study by Intermountain Healthcare physicians.

“People who report fasting in these studies … tend to be members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” said Benjamin, Head of Cardiovascular and Genetic Epidemiology at Intermountain Healthcare. Dr. Horn said.

“If they follow this regular fast, they are less likely to be hospitalized and less likely to die,” Horn said.

Research focuses on fasting people, many for religious purposes

Since 2013, Horn has surveyed the population of just over 1,500 people who fast regularly.

Of those people, 205 were positive for the coronavirus between March 2020 and February 2021 before the vaccine became widely available. And 73 said they fasted regularly at least once a month.

Was research Published this week “BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health” relies on the fact that “the majority of Intermountain West’s population is fasting primarily, but not exclusively, for religious purposes.”

The average person participating in the study fasts once a month for 24 hours, with an average of over 40 years. Members of the LDS Church are required to fast on the first Sunday of each month and not eat and drink twice in a row.

The study found that fasting did not protect people from being infected with COVID-19, but clearly reduced the severity of symptoms in those who became ill.

Why is intermittent fasting clearly useful?

Intermittent fasting, according to Horn, activates several “biological mechanisms” that reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. This is a mechanism associated with inflammation, turning off and activating immune cells, and preventing COVID-19 from infecting other cells.

Intermittent fasting promotes the body’s recycling system, which can help your body “destroy and recycle damaged and infected cells,” Horn said. It can also reduce the risk of comorbidities such as diabetes and heart disease.

A monthly fast can reduce the risk of COVID-19, but Horn advised only over time.

“If you get infected once a month, you won’t be able to protect you from COVID-19 in the short term,” he said. “But if you fast two days a week, or even one day a week, there are mechanisms known from other studies. [that] Helps activate these biological pathways that protect against severe COVID-19. “

Fasting is not recommended for everyone

Horn also pointed out that some people should not fast, that is, “old and frail.” Toddlers; People with diabetes, chronic kidney disease, heart disease, or stroke. People who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

If that applies to you, talk to your doctor “deeply” about it, Horn said.

He also emphasized that intermittent fasting is not an alternative therapy to COVID-19. Instead, it is a complementary therapy for vaccines and antivirals.

He encouraged people to get vaccinated and boosted — although studies have shown that vaccine immunity declines over time and in some cases in 6 months.

“It’s not practical to get the COVID-19 vaccine worldwide every six months,” Horne said. “And having a regular fasting regimen (one that is sustainable over a long period of time) can potentially help people close the gap between vaccination boosters, and you yourself. Has some additional immunity that can protect the severity of COVID-19. “




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