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Aggressive leukemia is far more deadly to black patients than white-why? -Consumer Health News

Aggressive leukemia is far more deadly to black patients than white-why? -Consumer Health News


Thursday, July 7, 2022 (HealthDay News)-Getting a diagnosis of blood cancer is devastating for young people, but if the patient is black, it’s also much more deadly, new research shows. ..

A new study investigating patient outcomes Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) emphasizes the urgent need to understand racial and ethnic differences and inequality in diagnosis, treatment and care between black and white patients. Published on July 5th Blood Advance..

“Clinical trials found that black patients had dramatically lower outcomes compared to white patients between young black and white patients who received similar intensive care. This disparity is predominantly 18. It occurred in patients aged up to 29 years, “said the lead author, Dr. .. Karin Larkin, a hematologist at the Ohio State University General Cancer Center.

“As far as we know, this is the first study to investigate how molecular genetic changes contribute to the outcome of young blacks in AML compared to white counterparts,” Larkin said in the journal news. Mentioned in the release.

According to the findings, young blacks with AML are five times more likely to die within 30 days of starting treatment than whites, even with similar state-of-the-art treatment, and are more likely to die within 5 years. Was doubled. ..

Despite decades of research on the effects of many acquired genetic mutations in AML, black patients are underestimated in clinical trials, according to researchers, resulting in a significant gap in knowledge. Most of those studies focused on data from patients of European descent.

AML is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow.It progresses very fast and people are often advised to start chemical treatment Within a few days of diagnosis.

The study identified clear differences in pretreatment molecular genetic profiles between young black and white patients that could contribute to these significantly different outcomes, the authors said.

“From a genetic point of view, we do not provide adequate service to these patients, in addition to all other medical injustices faced by this historically inadequately serviced person.” Said Larkin.

The researchers analyzed data from 566 white and 89 black patients, representing the proportion of the general population in the United States. All patients were newly diagnosed with AML. They were treated in a clinical trial from 1983 to 2016 conducted by a research group at the National Cancer Institute, which is now called. Alliance..

The research team also analyzed bone marrow and blood cell specimens collected from patients before and after they were in remission.

Approximately 11% of black patients died within 30 days of starting treatment, compared to 2% of white patients. The 5-year survival rate was 46% for white patients and 32% for black patients. The early mortality rate for black patients aged 18-29 years was 16%, compared to 3% for white patients.

In this young age group, the median survival time for black patients was only 1.3 years, compared to 10.2 years for white patients. There was no racially significant difference in survival in the older segments of the study population.

Researchers also looked at a type called AML. Core binding factor AML.. Among those patients, blacks showed a higher early mortality rate at 12% compared to 3% at whites. Their 5-year survival rate was 54%, compared to 70% for Caucasian patients.

The team said they could not identify any obvious clinical differences between the two groups.

Reasons for poor outcomes in black patients may include delayed treatment and suboptimal care, which may include historical cultural prejudice, structural racism, other existing health conditions, or more aggression. May reflect a typical illness.

The findings require further research and “raise the question of why these young patients, who we consider to be healthy enough to withstand intensive care, cannot survive,” she said.

For more information

National Cancer Institute, USA Acute myeloid leukemia..

sauce: Blood AdvanceNews Release, July 5, 2022

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