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Doctors using AI catch breast cancer more often than either one does alone

Doctors using AI catch breast cancer more often than either one does alone


The software being tested is from Vara, a German-based and research-led startup. The company’s AI is already in use in more than a quarter of German breast cancer screening centers and was introduced in hospitals in Mexico and Greece earlier this year.

The Vara team tested the two approaches with the help of a radiologist at the University Hospital of Essen in Germany and the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. First, AI works alone to analyze mammograms. AI, on the other hand, automatically distinguishes between what appears to be normal and what causes concern. The latter refers to radiologists who review AI ratings before looking at them. The AI ​​then warns you if it detects cancer when your doctor doesn’t detect it.

“The proposed AI-driven process did not require a radiologist to review nearly three-quarters of the screening study, but overall accuracy improved.”

Charles Langrots

To train neural networks, Vara provided AI data from over 367,000 mammograms. It included a radiologist’s note, an original assessment, and information about whether the patient eventually had cancer, and learned how to place these scans in one of three buckets. , “,” Not confident “(not given a prediction), and” Confident Cancer “. The conclusions from both approaches are then compared to the decisions initially made by real radiologists on 82,851 mammograms supplied by screening centers that did not contribute to the scans used to train AI. did.

The second approach, where doctors and AI work together, has 3.6% better breast cancer detection and less false alarms than doctors working alone. This was achieved by automatically setting aside scans that were confidently classified as normal, equivalent to 63% of all mammograms. This powerful rationalization has the potential to reduce the workload of radiologists.

After breast cancer screening, patients with a normal scan will be sent prematurely, but if the scan is abnormal or unclear, a follow-up test will be triggered.But a radiologist examining the mammogram Miss one-eighth of cancer.. Fatigue, overwork, and even the time of day affect how well a radiologist can identify a tumor when viewing thousands of scans. Visually subtle signs are generally less likely to alert, and dense breast tissue (mainly seen in younger patients) makes the signs of cancer less visible.

Radiologists using AI in the real world are required by German law to check all mammograms. Radiologists can refuse AI calls at any time, but AI is still helping them by pre-filling a report on scans labeled as normal.

The radiologist Thilo Töllner, who heads the German Breast Cancer Screening Center, has been using this program for two years. If the AI ​​confidently classifies the scan as normal and manually fills in the report to reflect another conclusion, he sometimes disagrees, but states that “normal is almost always normal.” .. In most cases, “just press Enter.”

Mammograms that the AI ​​has labeled ambiguous or “confident cancer” will be referred to the radiologist, but only after the doctor has provided the first independent assessment.




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