GP does not lead monkeypox vaccine program for people at risk
Sexual health services will guide the deployment of smallpox vaccines to people at risk for monkeypox, the UK Health and Safety Agency (UKHSA) said.
Last month, health officials Vaccines should be provided to some gay and bisexual men at high risk of exposure to monkeypox Helps control recent virus outbreaks.
However, it remained unclear how the GP would be involved in the rollout.
UKHSA has now announced that the vaccination program is “initiated” and that sexual health services are responsible for its implementation.
UKHSA said Friday:’The vaccination program has begun and sexual health services will provide vaccines to those who are considered at high risk of exposure.
“This includes people with recent medical histories of multiple partners, people participating in group sex, people participating in on-site sex, or people who have recently had a bacterial infection. increase.”
Its latest data “shows no signs of diminished outbreaks,” but also “evidence of sustained transmission across gay, bisexual, and men’s interconnected sexual networks (GBMSM) having sex with men.” No, “he added.
in the meantime, Joint Guidance from UKHSA, Scottish Public Health, Wales Public Health and Northern Ireland Public Health Agency As announced last week, “potential, possible, or confirmed cases” attending GP practice should “should be placed in a single room for evaluation.”
It is also necessary to provide fluid resistant (Type IIR) surgical masks “to be properly worn”, and pregnant women and individuals with severe immunosuppression will evaluate or evaluate them “if possible”. He added that clinical care should not be taken.
The “minimum” PPE healthcare professional states that it should be worn for possible or possible cases.
- gloves
- Water-repellent surgical face mask (FRSM) (Replace FRSM with FFP3 respiratory and eye protector if case shows changes in chest x-ray indicating lower airway infection with cough and / or lower airway infection need to do it)
- apron
- Eye protection is required if there is a risk of splashing on the face or eyes (such as when performing a diagnostic test).
The “minimum” of “confirmed cases requiring continuous clinical management” such as “repeated evaluation of individuals who are clinically ill or worse” are:
- Fit-tested FFP3 respirator
- Eye protection
- Long sleeves, liquid repellent, disposable gown
- gloves
By July 6, UKHSA found that there were 1,517 cases confirmed in the UK by July 6, of which 99% were male and 74% were residents of London.
However, the monkeypox clade currently prevalent in the United Kingdom is no longer classified as an infectious disease (HCID) with significant consequences for NHS management, it said.
The UK GP should notify the local council or the local health protection team (HPT) if a patient is suspected of having monkeypox.Since the new law was enacted last month.
The UK Public Health Agency previously announced: Smallpox vaccination is also provided to healthcare professionals for the care of patients with confirmed monkeypox and for staff working in sexual care services identified as assessing suspicious cases.
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