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Need to worry about monkeypox?

Need to worry about monkeypox?



July 11, 2022 – COVID-19 Pandemic It may not be over yet, but the world is already looking at another virus, monkeypox.

As of Friday, the United States reported about 800 cases of monkeypox. According to the latest estimates from the CDC, more than 8,200 cases have been reported worldwide in 57 countries and regions where monkeypox does not normally spread.

U.S. health authorities say Outbreak By sending More vaccinations to the state Not only do you increase the number of labs that can process your samples. Newyork and California have reported the most cases so far, 153 and 136, respectively.

As the number of cases increases around the world, many may wonder what the virus is preparing for us. See what you need to know about monkeypox.

What is monkeypox, how does it spread, and what are its symptoms?

Monkeypox virus is derived from the same virus family as smallpox, Orthopox virus Family genus Poxvirus family, According to the CDC.Has nothing to do with chicken pox..

The common symptoms of monkeypox are heat, headacheMyalgia, and Swelling of the lymph nodes.. Monkeypox also causes a rash that looks like a raised bump on the skin.It usually spreads through or by touching fluids rash Of those who have monkeypox.

However, animals can also infect humans with the virus. According to the CDC, infected squirrels, dormouses, and various types of monkeys “can transmit the virus by being scratched or bitten by animals, preparing or eating meat, or using infected animal products. It can infect humans. “

Bruce Hirsch, MD, MD, an infectious disease doctor at Northwell Health in New York, said there is “high level of concern” in the medical community that monkeypox can spread to squirrel populations in the United States.

Monkeypox is endemic or usually prevalent in various countries of Central and West Africa. Cases in Europe and North America were confirmed in May.

Why is monkeypox spreading all over the world?

Dr. Arlongrat, MD, director of medicine at Mount Sinai South Nassau Hospital in Oceanside, New York, said the 2022 monkeypox outbreak was due to a “new spread” of the virus. The virus is always transmitted from person to person, but Glatt says the outbreak of this monkeypox is different. He says the virus has a lot to do with “contact with partners of people who have sexual encounters between men.” This is unusual for monkeypox.

It is unclear whether monkeypox can spread through sexual transmission. world Health organization. However, the direct skin-to-skin contact that occurs during sex is sufficient to spread the virus from one person to another.

Who is the most vulnerable to monkeypox?

Hirsch says monkeypox is most likely to spread among protracted people skin-Contact with each other’s skin. The virus has spread among men who have sex with other men, but the main risk factor is to touch the lesions caused by monkeypox.

“Not all men have sex with men. It’s the subgroup that makes skin-to-skin contact with many partners,” says Hirsch.

So far, the majority of cases of monkeypox have been mild, says Glatt. According to the CDC, viruses are rarely deadly.

Severe cases of monkeypox can occur, which is common in children and people with weakened immunity.

How is monkeypox treated?

Overall, “there is no specific cure for monkeypox virus infection,” the CDC said.The Cleveland According to the clinic, monkeypox is a “self-limited” illness that usually progresses spontaneously without treatment.In mild cases of monkeypox, ibuprofen and Acetaminophen It can relieve the symptoms.

However, because monkeypox and smallpox are genetically similar, some antiviral drugs and vaccines used to treat smallpox have been used to prevent and treat monkeypox, according to the CDC. May occur.

The drugs Tecobilimat (TPOXX) and Brinsidefovir have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of smallpox, but the CDC is still investigating how well it works in monkeypox.

There are also two FDA-approved monkeypox vaccination, Usually intended for use in high-risk adults. In late June, President Joe Biden schedule Providing monkeypox vaccines throughout the United States to the “highest infected” communities.

You can read more about monkeypox vaccine here.

How can I prevent the spread of monkeypox?

According to Hirsch, avoiding skin-to-skin contact is the best way to limit the spread of monkeypox.The CDC Avoiding direct contact with the skin, clothing, and bedding of people with monkeypox can prevent them from becoming infected with the virus. Federal agencies also state that it is best not to share cups and dishes with people with monkeypox. People with monkeypox need to be self-quarantined to prevent the virus from spreading to others.

Overall, how much do you need to worry about monkeypox?

“I don’t think most of us need to worry about monkeypox,” says Hirsch. It is “unlikely” to become a global epidemic. “We already have medicines and treatments to prevent the risk of aggressive infections from being already low,” says Hirsch, compared to the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“You don’t have to worry, but the concerns of doctors and public health authorities are important,” says Glatt.




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