The first possible case of monkeypox attacks Khancount. What does this mean?
Bakersfield, CA (KERO) —The first possible case of monkeypox was reported over the weekend in Kern County. Kern Public Health says the person is isolated and recovering at home.
Cases of monkeypox have increased across the United States since the first case was confirmed in Massachusetts in May. Currently, a map of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in California confirms cases in 39 states and 148 cases.
Despite the sudden surge of this very rare virus, and one possible case in Kern County, the public health department states that the risk of monkeypox is low.
“This is the first case in Kern County. There are some suspicions. It was evaluated. It was tested,” said Dr. Kimberly Hernandez, director of health services and epidemiologist leader in Kern. Says. County Public Health Service. “We continue to receive calls fairly regularly, and we know that calls are increasing throughout California, including in neighboring counties.”
It’s important to know that this is called a “potential case” that can be confusing. According to the CDC, there are three types of definitions: suspicious, possible, and confirmed. And the Khan Public Health Service states that at this point it will result in the type of inspection completed.
23 ABC Details: Possible Cases of Monkeypox in Kern County
For example, in the case of Kern County, tests were conducted with the detected orthopox virus, including other viruses such as monkeypox and smallpox. However, since there is no other circulating orthopox virus and the person in question had no known exposure, they can call it a possible case.
“In our first case, we’re very close to seeing if we have the next case. Contact tracing to see if these close contacts can reduce these risks. But this is what we know across the United States. We will continue to identify the case. “
Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. Monkeypox virus belongs to the genus Ortopoxvirus of the Poxvirus family. The genus Orthopoxvirus also includes smallpox virus (which causes smallpox), vaccinia virus (used in smallpox vaccines), and bovine poxvirus. Monkeypox has nothing to do with chickenpox.
Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of monkeypox-like disease occurred in a monkey colony kept for research. Despite being named “monkeypox,” the cause of the disease remains unknown. However, rodents in Africa and non-human primates (such as monkeys) can become infected with the virus and infect people.
The first human case of monkeypox was recorded in 1970. Since then, monkeypox has been reported in people from several other Central and West African front Outbreak in 2022Almost all cases of monkeypox in non-African people were associated with travel abroad to countries where the disease is common, or through imported animals.
The reported incident has been confirmed to be from a resident of Kern County, but it is unknown whether the person recently left the county. Kern Public Health states that it is conducting contact tracing for more potential exposures. These exposures usually result from close human-to-human contact.
Testing is limited and is only done through a swab sent to the laboratory, so it is important to check with your healthcare provider if you have any symptoms.
“The characteristic symptom of monkeypox is a rash. This is a very special type of rash, unlike other rashes, but you may also experience flu-like symptoms, headaches and fever, and body aches. But usually a rash that drives people to a health care provider. “
What are the symptoms of monkeypox?
- heat
- headache
- Myalgia and back pain
- Swelling of the lymph nodes
- cold
- Malaise
- A rash that appears like acne or blisters on the face, mouth, and other parts of the body such as the hands, feet, chest, genitals, and anus.
The rash goes through various stages before it completely heals. The illness usually lasts 2-4 weeks. Sometimes people get a rash first, followed by other symptoms. Others only experience a rash.
She also adds to check in to your doctor in advance to make sure they have the ability to test.
Since this is a serious problem, the CDC has announced that the Mayo Clinic is expected to begin national testing and run up to 10,000 tests per week.
In a statement, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Wallensky said, “This not only improves testing capabilities, but also makes it easier for healthcare providers and patients to access the exam using the existing healthcare provider network. “.
In addition to increasing testing, there are two vaccines available for smallpox. They also affect monkeypox, which may increase access as more cases are reported. They expect to open up the eligibility of the vaccine once it becomes available. But again, the risk is very low at this point.
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