Scott fought gun and star four times in charity TV appeal
Inspirational Scots fought three brain tumors and cervical cancer cancerIs appearing in a new television ad to help charities continue their lifesaving efforts.
Heather Duff’s closed life in nearby Winchburg Edinburgh, A 30-second movie from Cancer Research UK.
Heather (33 years old) is counted daily chemical treatment Medication, chat online with loved ones at Zoom, recover on the sofa with her miniature dachshund pet dogs Pumpkin and Parsnip.
In the final frame of the film, Heather boldly looks into the camera and says, “Together, we overcome cancer.”
The world of Heather was shaken when he was diagnosed with cervical cancer six years ago.
She said: “I have a hard time finding words to describe how much I hate cancer.
“The 27 year old cervical cancer was pretty harsh.
“Managing my infertility, falling into menopause, and managing ongoing side effects is also a challenge.
“Four years later, two tumors were found instead of one, a brain tumor was a quick reminder that life can be unjust.
“But it doesn’t just look brave.
“I don’t think anyone walks on this earth without heartache.”
Heather wanted to put the days of cancer behind her after successfully treating cervical cancer.
She is a talented hockey player who resumed her weekly training, ran the London Marathon, and started a new job as a funding manager for Cancer Research UK.
However, on the early morning of May 16, 2018, he found three paramedics in his bedroom and found his husband Gordon (39) by his side.
She was taken to a hospital where a CT scan revealed she had an attack caused by a “lesion” in her brain.
On September 3, 2018, she had nine hours of surgery to remove a brain tumor at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh.
But three months later she had a second brain surgery because more tests revealed a second tumor.
Last summer, Heather traveled to Toronto, Canada to see her brother, 36-year-old Gareth Williams, get married.
However, her return examination showed that the tumor was growing again, and on December 9, 2019, Heather underwent a third brain surgery.
Heather said: “The news that the tumor looked like it was in Stage 3 just before Christmas last year blows the wind away and tired the mind.
“Thankfully, letting the news settle down and with the amazing support of my closest loved one, I feel ready to work on the next climb of this marathon called Cancer.” I will.
“I focus on the positive.
“I’m strong. I have a great team both medically and socially.
“I’m ready to get it all.”
Heather’s long blond hair began to fall out in February of this year, as a side effect of six sessions of 30 sessions of radiation therapy, so I had Gordon shave the rest.
Heather now reaches out to people around the world with her blog, Despite chemotherapy treatment, aims to exercise several times a week.
And she wants to highlight the threat that coronaviruses pose to cancer research.
Important funds were lost as the Cancer Research shop was temporarily closed due to a coronavirus pandemic, canceling a major fundraising event.
Heather said: “Study to speed up the day that all cancers heal gives families, friends, and me the hope I need.
“That’s why I’m so upset about the research being caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and what this means for people with cancer over the next few months to years.
“Now, by increasing our funding, we are all proud to have been able to participate in this important campaign, as it can help reduce future impact on our patients.
“I want people all over Scotland to be inspired to give what they can.”
Heather started a one-year course of the chemotherapeutic drug temozolomide. This stops the cancer cells from making DNA, making them unable to grow and letting them die.
Cancer Research UK funded the scientists who led to the development of this drug.
Scientists at the Prescription Unit at Strathclyde University in Glasgow developed a process in the 1990s to make larger batches of temozolomide.
The drug is manufactured and supplied in capsules to treat patients in clinical trials and is used worldwide today to treat the most common adult brain tumors.
About 1,000 people are diagnosed with brain tumors each year in Scotland, and about 470 die in Scotland.
Lisa Adams, a spokeswoman for Cancer Research UK in Scotland, said:
“We’ve always said, “Kill the cancer together,” but the truth is, COVID-19 slowed us down.
“Currently, clinical trials are being postponed, and important research needs to be delayed.”
To turn Heather’s story to her more blog..
Visit Cancer Research UK website to donate.
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