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Studies show that SARS-CoV-2 infections in children and adolescents are lower than in adults

Studies show that SARS-CoV-2 infections in children and adolescents are lower than in adults


In a recent study posted on Research Square* And in a review in Scientific Reports, researchers observed that children and adolescents were less susceptible to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection.

Study: FamilyCoviDD19 Study: SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents is lower than in adults. Image Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock
study: FamilyCoviDD19 study: lower SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents compared to adults.. Image Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock


Since the early 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, measures have been introduced to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Children often develop asymptomatic or asymptomatic illnesses and have been thought to spread the virus. Therefore, regular tests and school closures are carried out. In addition, the young people have been deprived of social participation due to rules restricting access to public places for vaccinated or COVID-19 recovered subjects.

Social isolation has reportedly affected the mental health of adolescents and children, increasing the risk of depression and anxiety. Therefore, there is an urgent need for highly effective and least restrictive safety measures to balance the containment of the COVID-19 pandemic with the mental health and education of the child.

Research and findings

In this study, researchers estimated home serum prevalence to determine virus infection rates. Families with at least one COVID-19 case were invited to participate in the FamilyCoviDD19 study.Blood samples were collected from participants to obtain demographics and data on COVID-19 (polymerase chain reaction). [PCR]) Tests, previous infection history, measures adopted during quarantine, and current health status. They registered 300 households, of which 1056 had a median household size of 4.

Overall, 991 participants were included in the study with a median of 33 years, and 341 subjects were <18 years. Of these, 950 agreed to draw blood and more than 61% were serum positive. The authors defined the proband as the person most likely to be infected first based on the onset of symptoms, seropositive, or positive tests. Probands were identified in 276 households and 83% were found to be seropositive.

People with comorbidities were more seropositive than those without comorbidities and were more likely to develop symptomatic infections. There were no seropositive participants in 27 households. The proband was the only seropositive subject in 58 households, and all members of 112 households were seropositive. All members were less likely to be seropositive if the first-episode patients were under the age of 18 compared to households with the first-episode patients aged 18 years or older.

Similarly, the secondary proband rate (SAR) of young probands was lower than that of older probands. In particular, transmission of infection from adult probands to household members under the age of 18 was observed more frequently than vice versa. Infections from adolescents and children to minor and adult household members were less frequent. Significantly higher SAR was found in households with PCR-positive cases than in households with serologically positive cases identified.

All members of the household with symptomatic probands were likely to be seropositive. Seroprevalence was inversely proportional to household size. As a result, households with four or more members are significantly less likely to be seropositive for all members than households with only two members. Interestingly, the SAR of households that followed hygiene measures (room ventilation, use of face masks, or social distance) was comparable to those that did not.

A quarter of participants suffered from persistent symptoms (at the time of blood sampling) when SARS-CoV-2 infection was less than 12 weeks. Subjects with a positive serologic response were more likely to show persistent symptoms than participants with a negative serologic response if the domestic infection occurred 12 weeks or more ago. Similarly, individuals who developed symptoms during an acute infection were more likely to experience persistent symptoms less than or more than 12 weeks after infection at home than in asymptomatic cases.

In addition, adolescents and children were less likely to develop persistent symptoms than adults. The probability of persistent symptoms was correlated with gender, but not with age. Women were more likely than men to have persistent symptoms 12 weeks after infection. People with comorbidities were more likely to suffer from ongoing symptoms after infection than those without comorbidities.


The current study evaluated SARS-CoV-2 infection in households with confirmed probands. After infection in the household, more than 61% of household members were seropositive, higher than previously estimated from January 2021. Nevertheless, the incidence was the same between children and adults. Most SARS-CoV-2 infections were brought into the home by adults rather than children / adolescents, given that only 16.3% of probands were under the age of 18.

In summary, this study showed that young people (under 18 years of age) have a mild illness, are less susceptible to infection, and are less likely to spread the infection to household members. The authors suggested that pandemic measures should focus on adults rather than adolescents and children.

*Important Notices

Research Square publishes unpeer-reviewed preliminary scientific reports and should not be considered definitive, guide clinical / health-related behaviors, or be treated as established information. ..




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