Researchers reveal easier way to generate sensory-auditory cells called “hair cells”-health
A team of researchers has revealed the secret of an easier way to generate sensory cells in the inner ear. Their approach uses direct reprogramming to generate sensory cells known as “hair cells” due to the hair-like projections that sense sound waves.
The findings, led by scientists from the USC Stem Cell Institute at Neil Segil and Justin Ichida, were published in the journal eLife.
“We have succeeded in directly reprogramming various mouse cell types into so-called inducible hair cell-like cells (iHC), which has led to the identification of numerous causes and treatments for hearing loss. iHC can be efficiently generated,” said Louise Menendez, a PhD student who is the lead author of the study.
Scientists have succeeded in reprogramming three different types of mouse cells into iHC. The first two types were embryonic and adult versions of connective tissue cells known as fibroblasts. The third is another type of inner ear cell called a support cell.
To achieve reprogramming, scientists exposed fibroblasts and feeder cells to a cocktail of four transcription factors. These transcription factors are molecules that help transmit the instructions encoded in the DNA. Scientists identified this cocktail by testing different combinations of 16 transcription factors that were highly active in hair cells of newborn mice.
“We found that the four major components are the transcription factors Six1, Atoh1, Pou4f3, and Gfi1,” Menendez said.
The resulting iHC resembled naturally occurring hair cells in structure, electrophysiology, and genetic activity. iHC also possessed several other distinct characteristics of hair cells, including vulnerability to antibiotics known to cause hearing loss.
“Hair cells are vulnerable to damage and are not currently repairable in humans,” says Segil, a professor of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, and USC Tina Andric Caruso Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, and a study. One of the corresponding authors of.
“Aging, loud noises, certain chemotherapeutic drugs and antibiotics can all lead to permanent loss of hair cells, which is a major cause of hearing loss worldwide,” Segil added. ..
The iHC could accelerate deafness research in at least two important ways, according to Ichida, a Associate Professor of USC Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at the John Douglas French Alzheimer Foundation and author of other studies. There is.
“In the short term, researchers can use iHC to screen a large number of drug candidates that may prevent or treat deafness,” says Ichida, who is also a New York Stem Cell Foundation Robertson researcher. It was.
“Furthermore, it may be possible to directly reprogram the inner ear supporting cells of deaf individuals as a way to restore hearing,” Ichida added.
(This article was published without modification from the text of the telegraph agency’s feed. Only the heading has changed.)
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