The health benefits of weekend exercise can offset inactive weeks
- New research suggests that people who exercise on weekends can get the same health benefits as those who exercise regularly, if they take the right amount of time.
- Time required: 75 minutes of active activity or 150 minutes of moderate activity, one or two days each week.
- “Weekend Warriors” have a reduced risk of death, similar to those who exercise the same amount of time more than 3-5 days a week.
Just because you don’t exercise regularly on weekdays doesn’t mean you can’t exercise on weekends.
Provided by World Health Organization Physical activity guidelinesAdults suggest doing at least 75 minutes of intense aerobic exercise or 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. Experts have suggested that people spread regular exercise throughout the week, but that is not always feasible for everyone.
An international team of researchers can analyze the exercise routines and health of more than 350,000 U.S. adults who participated in a national health interview survey from 1997 to 2013 and learn what different approaches to physical activity are. I checked.
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Health benefits of weekend exercise
Subjects who were followed for years and each followed for an average of 10 years, achieving a total of 75 minutes of active activity or 150 minutes of moderate activity each week for one or two days: became.
► 8% lower risk of all causes of death than participants who are not physically active.
► All causes, heart disease, risk of death from cancer are the same as those who exercise the same amount for 3-5 days or more.
As researchers dubbed, people who exercised regularly during the week had a slightly lower risk of death than “weekend warriors.” “But these differences weren’t statistically different, so it’s relatively beneficial,” said one of the study’s co-authors. Lee Dong-hoonA nutrition researcher at Harvard TH Chang Public Health School, told USA Today.
How many Americans can benefit from more exercise?
According to the report, only about 23% of adults in the United States regularly receive 75 minutes of active activity or 150 minutes of moderate activity each week. American health ranking..
Here’s how to make time for exercise
Even if you can’t exercise regularly (3-5 days a week), you can still get health benefits by doing 75-150 minutes of exercise on 1-2 days, such as weekends. Researchers focused on “weekend warriors,” but Lee said “it could be any day (or two) of the week.”
He said that making time to exercise on the weekends is a good way to raise your level of activity. Amanda Pulch, University of Massachusetts Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences Physical Activity Epidemiologist and Exercise Scientist. “There is plenty of evidence that some activities are better than no activities in terms of health benefits,” she told USA Today.
Exercising on the weekends “may be the first meaningful step in improving your health,” says Pulch, who wasn’t working on the study but is familiar with the discovery. I did.
How do you know if it’s a moderate or intense exercise?
Vigorous exercise and physical activity result in intense sweating and a significant increase in respiratory rate and heart rate, Lee said. Examples of CDC strenuous exercise Includes swimming laps, running and jogging, tennis (single), aerobic dance, and cycling over 10 mph. With strenuous exercise, your heart rate will be about 142 beats or more per minute. CDC says..
Moderate exercise includes walking (more than 3 mph), cycling (less than 10 mph), ballroom dancing, and tennis (twice). With moderate exercise, your heart rate will be about 109 or higher.
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What can help you stick to your new training plan?
► ► ►Make it something you enjoy. “Weekends should be fun. There are many active and fun ways to do it. You can explore new hiking trails with your friends, bike or play tennis with your friends,” says Paluch.
► ► ►I will try something new. Activities that you already enjoy are good choices, but “a whole new activity you’ve never been to” is always exciting.
► ► ►Don’t overdo it at first. “If you’re just getting started, don’t immediately try to adapt to all 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity recommended over a weekend,” says Paluch. “Try for just 20 minutes every day and do your best not to get injured.”
If you are exercising regularly now, do you mean you can sag?
necessarily. “It’s also important to note that this study focuses on the resulting mortality rate,” Paluch said. “We don’t know much about the intermediate benefits of two days a week and the more regular regimen that spans the entire week.”
For example, she said additional studies need to be done to compare blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, or mental health between regular exercisers and “weekend warriors.”
Regular exercisers who are active more than two days a week should maintain it. “A more regular schedule helps maintain good habits,” Paluch said. “More regular activities can also prevent injuries and maintain or improve your fitness in a more efficient way.”
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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