Decreased mental health during pregnancy during COVID-19 lockdown
In the first year of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, some researchers put into a large population to prevent the spread of coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a severe acute respiratory syndrome. Reported significant stress associated with the lockdown restrictions imposed. This was especially true during the perinatal period, when many women need additional physical and emotional support.
study: Mental health of pregnant women during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in France: development of self-aware psychological state during the initial blockade, and frequency of anxiety 2 months after the blockade. Image Credit: Corpii / Shutterstock
New preprint study posted on medRxiv* The server investigated changes in the mental status of pregnant women due to the first COVID-19-related blockade in France, and the persistence of anxiety-related symptoms during the two months following the end of the blockade. This may help build the more appropriate interventions needed during future pandemics.
The outbreaks of severe respiratory illness due to the early pathogenic coronavirus occurred in 2002 and 2013, respectively, and were called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). These were found to be particularly severe in pregnant women and cause acute respiratory distress syndrome with a higher incidence than in the non-pregnant population.
As a result of these experiences, early recommendations were made during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that pregnant women should be at increased risk of more serious illness due to the virus. This required them to be isolated or remain isolated from outside family interactions for longer periods of time than the general public.
However, in many subsequent studies, the blockade during the early outbreak of infection was associated with anxiety, depression, mental distress, and a surge in sleep disorders, some of which were released after the blockade was lifted. It was shown to continue to appear.
The second cause of distress is the removal of social and emotional support systems. This has already been identified as a risk of mental impairment during pregnancy and perinatal period.
Third, the known increased risk of women in this subset has given them the risk of anxiety about their health and the babies they carry. Forced quarantine of the blockade only exacerbates this.
And finally, this can affect their overall health and the health of their children, but it also affects the normal infant-mother bond.
In fact, many recent treatises explain such negative consequences of the pandemic itself, and pregnant women are reported to have higher levels of anxiety, depression, and hostility. The current preprints are based on data collected during Covimater’s research.
The purpose was to understand how women saw their mental state before and during the first blockade in France from March to May 2020. Frequency of factors associated with anxiety and symptoms of anxiety at 2 months after closure.
Researchers asked questions such as “How did you feel at the psychological level just before the blockade?” And “How did you feel at the psychological level during the blockade?” I understand how I felt about my mental health. Has changed.
They also asked how the various emotions were experienced, desperate from relief, peace, frustration, and fear during the blockade. And finally, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) was used to assess anxiety symptoms at a second point in time.
The analysis was performed using tabular data on demographics such as self-employed or managerial level women, blue-collar or ordinary employees, students or unemployed. Age and education level, and financial level. The presence of children, the workload of professionals, the functioning of the health care system during a pandemic where women are, and the social support experienced by women were also analyzed.
Finally, women’s knowledge of the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the presence of suspicious symptoms, and the family history of the disease was assessed. She was also asked about her health and her sense of vulnerability to the virus.
Other Questions Related to Medical Counseling During Initial Lockdown – Cancellation or Postponement of Appointment by Your Doctor, Discussions with Your Health Provider About the Pandemic and Its Pregnancy, Prescriptions for Sleep Disorders or Psychotic Disorders During the Pandemic There was something like that. It was included in the survey.
Survey results
The average age of participants was 31 years old, most completed high school diplomas and above, and one-third were unemployed or students. Just over one-third are employed in low jobs, and about the same percentage is economically just scraping. One in five was in financial distress.
About 45% say their location was overwhelmed by the healthcare system. One in three said family and friends had a history of COVID-19 and less than half had young children at home during the blockade. About one-fifth said there was little or no support during the blockade, and nearly one-third experienced an atmosphere of violence or fierce fighting at this point.
More than half of the women said their mental health was impaired during the blockade, and one in five said their previously good psychological condition had deteriorated. This was primarily related to lack of social support, overwork, and uncertainty about how the virus spreads and manifests itself.
Less than 10% of people whose mental health deteriorated during the blockage sought help from a psychiatrist or psychologist, and one in five wanted and got it. I couldn’t. Three in four women say they don’t need this kind of support, even though their mental health is deteriorating.
Approximately 60% of women said they were more helpless, frustrated, and afraid during the blockade, and most women checked 3/6 of the negative emotions associated with this period.
Approximately 1 in 7 have one or more pregnancy complications, elevated body mass index (BMI), domestic infants (<6 years), family or friends with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, and He showed anxiety symptoms associated with little social support. Locking down. Women who tried to talk to their health care providers but failed were more likely to be anxious than women who succeeded. So did those who tried to get sleeping pills and antidepressants compared to those who didn't need such medicines.
The results of this study show that half of the women in the study sample experienced deterioration in mental health during the initial blockade. One-fifth of them state that their mental health changed from good to unhealthy during this period. Studies also lack support, overwork (when a small child is at home, at work, etc.), how the virus was transmitted, and therefore how this can happen. We have identified and prevented some risk factors associated with such exacerbations, including knowledge.
This could explain the feelings of fear, helplessness, and frustration reported by most women during this period. In addition, obesity, chronic illness, poor health, and pregnancy complications are known factors of perinatal anxiety and poor mental health. At the same time, the widespread association between weight gain and the more severe COVID-19 may have adversely affected such women.
Overall, the decline in mental health was significantly higher among pregnant women at 21%. Conversely, at the same time, a Coviperv study of women in the reproductive age group of the French general population showed an incidence of less than 8%. This supports previous studies during previous quarantine.
Persistence of anxiety symptoms is associated with certain distinct factors and also with the factors that caused the deterioration of mental health. However, the actual incidence of such symptoms was lower or comparable to that of other pre-pandemic countries.
Our results on anxiety may reflect the adaptation and habituation of Covid-19 to health risks by pregnant women.” that’s why “Women of childbearing age in the general population.. “
In fact, CoviPrev has shown a high incidence of anxiety symptoms among women of reproductive age. The reason for this is still unknown.
The benefits of properly informing pregnant women about the mode of spread of the virus in protecting mental health have been shown in such studies and confirmed in current studies. In addition, care must be taken to maintain the health care of pregnant women. Give them mental and social support. Provide an opportunity to ask your healthcare provider about pregnancy-related questions and hospitalization for delivery and childbirth. And ensure childcare for those in need.
*Important Notices
medRxiv Publish preliminary scientific reports that should not be considered definitive as they have not been peer-reviewed, guide clinical practice / health-related behaviors, and should not be treated as established information.
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