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San Francisco Monkeypox: Vaccine Clinic Reopens

San Francisco Monkeypox: Vaccine Clinic Reopens


San Francisco (Kron) – The Monkeypox Vaccine Clinic at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital will reopen on Wednesday, providing appointments for people at high risk of infection.

The news came after San Francisco received about 4,100 doses of Jynneos vaccine from a state that received 14,774 shipments from the federal government last week.Prior to its shipment, San Francisco health authorities Vaccine shortage and had to close the clinic,prompt Protest against federal response to outbreakAs of Tuesday, it has led to 1,814 cases in the United States.

Clinic stops are limited, reopening at 8am and closing at noon.

San Francisco has also changed its eligibility requirements for vaccination and worked more closely with Santa Clara County, which announced on Tuesday a change consistent with its new booking-only policy.

San Franciscans are eligible for vaccination if they meet any of the following criteria:

  • They are gay, bisexual, or other cisgender men or transgender people who have sex with men who have had multiple sexual partners in the last 14 days.
  • Sex workers regardless of sexual orientation or gender,
  • Close contact with people with suspected or confirmed monkeypox,
  • Received notifications from venues or events of potential exposure to persons suspected or confirmed to have monkeypox, and / or
  • A laboratory technician who handles monkeypox virus samples for diagnosis or testing, or a clinician with high-risk occupational exposure.

The California Department of Public Health reports 56 cases of monkeypox in the state, of which 176 are in the Bay Area, accounting for 49% of Golden State cases. San Francisco is home to the largest outbreak, with 141 cases, including 55 reported on Tuesday.

Solano County says it is waiting for confirmation of two possible cases. Both San Mateo and Contra Costa County report one confirmed case each. Marin County reports two cases. Sonoma County reports three. Alameda County reports five. Santa Clara County reports 23.

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What are the symptoms of monkeypox?

Symptoms of monkeypox include the onset of flu-like symptoms and the characteristic rashes and sores that look like acne and blisters.

These raised flat red spots can be anywhere on the body, but they are most likely in the area of ​​the genitals or rectum, or in the fingers, mouth, or eyes. The spots become ridges that break and become scabs. Itching may occur, but it is not always the case.

In addition, some people suffer from only one or some of these symptoms. You may have a fever but no rash. Alternatively, these symptoms can occur consecutively rather than simultaneously.

What is a monkeypox vaccine?

Vaccination within 14 days of exposure can prevent or reduce the risk of illness, as the incubation period can be several weeks. Health care providers should test for other infections with similar symptoms, such as syphilis. Testing for monkeypox has been confirmed in specialized laboratories. The monkeypox virus belongs to the orthopoxvirus family alongside smallpox, and routine immunization in the United States ended in 1972 after the disease was declared eradicated here. The smallpox vaccine is at least 85% effective against monkeypox, but its effectiveness diminishes over time.

Side effects of the Jynneos vaccine include redness, pain, swelling, muscle aches, headaches, malaise, and nausea at the injection site.

Who gets infected with monkeypox?

“Many cases occur within a network of gay, bisexual, trance people, and men who have sex with men,” said Noel Sanchez, a spokesperson for the San Francisco Public Health Department.

“SFDPH takes monkeypox seriously,” Sanchez said. “Most of the time, it resolves spontaneously without pills or treatment, but monkeypox can be serious. We want to prevent the virus from spreading to more people and potentially endemic. We strive to contain outbreaks and reduce infections. To that end, we are educating and supporting the most endemic communities. Tracking cases of monkeypox; risks due to exposure. Distribute and administer the virus as a precautionary measure to people with high levels of disease, especially to support testing and clinical guidance to providers. “

Sanchez advises people to:

  • Cover exposed skin in the crowd
  • Avoid sharing bedding and clothing
  • Discuss health, rash, and pain with close physical and sexual stakeholders
  • Pay attention to the symptoms




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